their roles in a horror movie

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The person who everyone expects to die first but I'd actually the smartest and survives until the end. She'd probobly be the person that saves everyone but without them knowing it's really her. She's also overlooked and people don't think she's significant until they find out how good she is.

The unexpected killer. I don't know why I thought she'd be the killer. It might be because of a troubled past, she has a power that she can't control, or maybe she just likes killing people. She might be friends with the rest of the girls but be a secret killer, or she could not know them at all.

The person who people think would either be the killer or survive but actually dies first. Most people say that she's mean or rude, but personally I don't think so. In the movie she could be that one person who doubts everything and is best friends with the Lisa type. She would die-not by being stupid- but maybe as a warning or just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


The popular one. I don't really know exactly how to put this, but she would be the nice kind of popular girl. She would also die but mainly in the same way as Jennie. Everyone would like her but she would be humble about it and would put others safety and lives before her own.

Sorry if it's bad but I got this idea at about 4 am. The next yandere ones are coming but if you have any suggestions for what could happen in the Jennie ones then please comment them here! :)

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