Chapter 1

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Hi!, this is my first fan fic so i just want to apologize for spelling errors, bad detail, or not the best uploading schedule I do play softball with practice on sunday and wesenday nights for almost 2 hours batting pratice on tuesdays and every other thursday and then one day or two day tournaments on the weekends and when I'm not doing that I go to a mini gym. I do try my best but please feel free to leave feedback or spelling corrects in comments it would be greatly appericted now on to the story!

Aphmau's P.O.V

Ugh another finshed but stressful day at the maid cafe, I'm struggling with bills for my tiny apartment I'm way to broke to go to college so getting a "real job" is out of the question I'm single as well so I have no one to help me to much the list of my problems goes on and on and on

*DING!* (text message underline is aphmau's mom and bold is aphmau)

Hi, sweetheart would you like to come over for dinner tonight with Eric and I we miss you dearly and we have a surprise!!

Of course mom I would love to will anyone else be there??

No dear just us

alright can i have the details then

alright dinners at 7 tonight at our place hope to see you there mija!

See you then

I finally make it back to my apartment through the paper thin walls you can hear the unhappy couple aruging the lady is so sweet but the man is rude and cold rumor has it shes saving up for her own aparment to leave him for good she always has cuts and burises on her I feel bad but I plan on talking to her about leaving him soon.

I go lay down on my couch and go on my phone untill its time for me me to head over to my mom's and Eric's.

Time skip to the dinner

I make my way up to their doorstep *ding dong*
S=slyvanna A=aphmau E=Eric

S: "AH! mija its so good to see you how have you been"

A: "I've been good how have you guys been doing"

E: "we've been doing good ourselves now come on in its cold out there"

we go to sit down at the dinner table chicken, rice, and rolls the chicken looks dry but I've had worse so I don't complain

A: "I've missed your cooking mom"

S: "aw mija that warms my heart to hear you say that, now time for the big surprise!"

I take a bite of my chicken

S: "we found you a new roomate his name is Aaron Lycan and is a very sweet boy and is rich!"

I spit out my chicken

A: "WHAT?! Mom why did you do that??"

E: "well your mother and I noticed you were struggling financially and we thought we would help you, he'll pay most of the rent since he's been paying all of it for so long all you have to do is pay 1/4 of it, it's a real good deal"

A: "I don't know about all this"

S: "well its a little to late to say no because your moving in with him tommorrow night he thinks your going to be there you can't turn back now I'm sorry we should've asked you"

A: "mom its fine you were just trying to help but TOMMORROW NIGHT!! I need to pack I have to go then bye mom, bye Eric love ya!"

Time skip to back at aphmau's apartment

I unlock the door to my apartment and shove open the heavy door on my way home I had picked up some packing boxes that should do the job fortunately for me they were on sale 75% off I get to work on my things putting the stuff I'll need or want in the new place in the boxes and stuff I won't need on EBay, most of the things were quickly sold after I finish packing I lay down on my bed "I wonder what he looks like were he works and what the place will look like" I say thinking aloud then I hear it

"AHH! please stop I'm begging you I'm so so so sorry I didn't mean to!" a women's voice cries

"NO! this is the third time I've told you don't speak back to me!"a man's voice yells angerliy

"again! why does he do this to her??? tommorow before I leave I'm talking to her about this" I declare aloud

I slowly start to drift off to sleep as I listen to their agurment and think of the words I'll say to her.

I hope you liked it remeber this is my first fan fic and I'm real bad at spelling but I do love feedback on anything so have a good day friends!! ♡♡


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