He took my face between his hands, "detka I love you so chert much. I wish that there was some way to show you just how much I love you. Some way to prove my love for you as you have proven your love for me over and over and over again." (baby, damn)

"I don't need you to try to prove your love for me milaya moy because I can feel it. I love you so so so so so much baby." (my dear)

My fiancé then took me to bed and made sweet sweet glorious love to me for the next two and a half hours. During our love making I kissed the spot where Lissa had staked him and healed the scar, inside and out.

As we lay in the bed snuggled together after making love I asked, "are you ready for me to mark you or do you want to just lay here for a little while longer?"

He kissed my shoulder, "I am ready whenever you are my Roza."

I grabbed the stake from my bedside table then crawled over to sit astride his hips as he lay in our bed.

"This may hurt a little. Not as much as when you were restored I'm sure, but a little."

"I can and will endure anything and everything for you and our family Roza. Anything and everything."

He grinned a naughty and sinfully salacious grin at me.

"Plus, seeing and feeling you astride me like this. Is probably enough of a pain killer because it is definitely giving me some very good ideas." He said as he ran one of his hands through my hair and the other cupped my cheek and his hips arched up of the bed. Letting me know exactly what kind of ideas that he is having, and I really like his ideas so far.

I nodded letting him know that I was in complete agreement with his sexy ideas. And then I kissed his chest right over his heart again readying myself for what I was about to do.

Lifting the stake I lay the tip against his skin and cut him with it. But I only cut him as deep as was needed, I didn't want to cause him any unneeded pain. After all, what hurt him also hurt me.

When I drug the tip of the stake across his heart he hissed a little. Once he had bleed for a couple of seconds I leaned over and licked the cut clean. And no matter how much I hated it I had to admit that his blood tasted far better than any other blood that I had ever tasted. His blood tasted like pure heaven.

"Now, I have your blood in my veins too." I said to him.

"You already had my blood in your veins remember."

"Yes, but this time I was awake for it and I knew what I was doing."

At hearing my words he smiled.

"That gives us a bond like no other two people in the world Mitya."

"Good, because I want us connected in every way possible milaya moya." He whispered. (my dearest)

"I don't want to bring up bad memories or anything, but can I ask you a question?"

"Anything Roza, you can ask me anything." He assured me with a heart warming smile.

"Are you sure?"


"What did my blood taste like?"

He searched for the right words for a moment before he spoke again. "When I was that monster I fed on a lot of people Roza. And while their blood was nourishment, the liquid that I needed to keep me living. Your blood was... was the elixir of life. No matter how many people I fed from I never tasted anything even near as... near as worship worthy as your blood. I still don't understand the difference but every time that I would taste your blood... it was like pure liquid heaven."

Queen Thorn (complete)Where stories live. Discover now