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My hand shook as I opened the closet door.
     We stepped inside.
     I closed the door behind us, everyone else from the party looking at the door.
     I took out my phone and set a timer for seven minutes.
    My hands were sweaty and shaking.
    I was nervous until you whispered something in my ear.
    "Don't worry."
     I had never kissed someone before.
     I put my phone back into my pocket and gently wrapped my arms around your neck and leaned down a little.
     Our lips met softly, your lips had the slightest taste of fake cherry.
     It started to feel as if we were the only two people in the world.
     It started to feel as if we were meant to be like that.
    It started to feel as if we were slowly melding together, becoming one.
     I slowly moved my hands downwards, then wrapped them around your waist.
     That moment felt angelic.
     That moment felt like the birthday I will never forget.

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