He scoffed and shook his head. "It's obvious she wants me."

The two of us glanced over at Bella as she quickly looked away from us to act as if she hadn't been staring.

"Maybe you shouldn't have slept with her," I mumbled, my eyes lingering on my friend.

"Does it bother you?" Sam asked curiously.

He wasn't asking smugly like he was trying to get a rise out of me. It was like he genuinely wanted to know and was surprised at my attitude toward the issue.

"No, it doesn't bother me," I replied, looking back at Sam.

It did bother me.

Sam gave me a thoughtful look. His facial expression had softened back to what it was like when the two of us got along. I missed when he looked at me warmly since now he mostly gave me a cold stare.

"I need this Saturday off," Sam announced, changing the subject.

I stared at him with wide eyes. Him and I were supposed to open the bakery on Saturday morning then the two of us had the Saturday after that off. Charlene tried to make sure she gave everyone at least one Saturday a month off and there was no way someone would want to come in to cover for Sam.

"You need to see if someone will switch shifts with you," I told him with raised eyebrows. I highly doubted anyone would want to take an opening shift that they weren't supposed to work.

"What about that Sandy girl?" he asked, crossing his arms.

I shook my head. "She's working in the afternoon, she won't want to work a double."


I shook my head again. Rachel barely made it to her own shifts.

"Well, I'm busy. I can't come in," Sam responded in an annoyed tone.

"We have next Saturday off, it can't wait?" I asked mimicking his tone.

Sam gave me a cold stare. "No, it can't wait."

I felt something inside me snap. Anger and annoyance flooded through my veins as I stood in front of Sam.

"You can't just ditch me!" I snapped loudly.

He put a finger in front of his lips, telling me to quiet down. I looked around the bakery to see that only a bewildered looking Bella sat at one of the tables.

"I don't know what to tell you," Sam said quietly, walking closer to me. "I really have somewhere to be."

"You could have talked to Charlene," I snapped in a hushed tone. "You know Saturday mornings are busy."

I couldn't help but think Sam was ditching me on Saturday for some trivial reason. He had ditched me before to stink up mine and Nathan's car. Who's to say he's not just pulling some stunt with his football team?

Before he could reply, a customer walked in the front door. Sam instantly brightened up as he turned around and his smile only widened when he realized he knew the woman who had walked in.

"Sam!" the woman exclaimed happily. "I need two dozen cookies, can you make that happen?"

Sam looked to me for confirmation and I nodded my head.

"What kind would you like?" I asked the woman kindly.

"Half chocolate chip and half sugar cookie if that's possible," she replied with a sheepish smile. "I totally spaced out on my daughter's class party tomorrow."

I nodded with a smile and walked back to the kitchen to get the box for her cookies. After rummaging through different shelves, I finally found the correct box and went back toward the front of the store to get the cookies from the cases. When I arrived back, Sam and the woman were having a light-hearted, casual conversation.

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