Chapter 2

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This chapter is dedicated to KaciMin1993 who is a very good friend, a phenomenal writer, and who encourages me to continue with this story. Enjoy. 💜


It had been a few days since the incident at the grocery store and the incident with his hand. Yoongi still couldn't get over it. It tore him up, and his hand only reminded him of the damage. He had tried to lay off it as soon as he patched it up, but he would still find himself in the habit of needing to use his hand, whether it was a simple task of opening the door or playing his piano to figure out his next composition. This resulted in a lot of pain and extending the healing process. Yoongi knew he shouldn't use his hand, but he couldn't help it. He felt guilty.

It was a chilly Saturday afternoon in Seoul and Yoongi decided to take a break from being cramped in his own little studio. He needed to get away from the stuffy and desperate air. The weather was just right, so he figured it would be a good day to go to the park and have a walk. He hadn't done something like that in months and he missed having the time to himself to think in the not so dreadful thoughts he seemed to usually have. For some reason, walking in the park had been a peaceful activity for him. It calmed his mind. It was as if breathing in the fresh air and taking in the nature quelled his detrimental thoughts; it was like it cleared his mind of the fog.

The trip itself from his apartment to the park wasn't far, seeing as it was only within walking distance. The journey itself was calming and refreshing. Along the winding pathway of the nearly empty park, Yoongi closed his eyes, taking a deep and much needed breath. It was as if he was expelling all the negativity he had been surrounded by for the past couple of weeks, most of it caused by his own troubled mind. He enjoyed the serenity of the chilly park air. He walked further down the path and sat on one if the benches that sunlight shone on to warm himself, if only a little.

He felt the chill from the seat seep through his layered clothing and he shivered slightly. The starving artist wrapped his deep blue scarf around his neck tighter (careful to avoid using his injured hand), exhaling mists of fogged breath. His numbed fingers of his good hand then wrapped around the chain he wore around his neck. It was a silver-chain necklace with a sterling silver music note attached to it. The metal felt warm from being kept through nooks of his jacket and scarf. His hands shook slightly, only not from the cold this time. The necklace had a special place in Yoongi's heart; it was given to him by someone very special, and it was the most important thing to him. It helped him get through the most difficult times and reminded him of his dreams and ambitions.

Now that the troubled mind had time to think for himself, he thought about the incident that occured days ago, his bandaged hand a painful reminder. Not only did he think about that, but he also thought about his rotten luck and the suffocating slump he'd been in. The necklace had been a reminder that he had to strive through the difficult times, push forward to reach his dreams, but it was becoming more and more difficult. Yoongi found he couldn't be a proper artist or even a proper human being. It was like he was a drowning man with nothing to grasp onto in the raging stormy sea; he was simply dragged further and further from everything, deep into an abyss of despair. He was miserable. Yoongi was the poster-boy for a failure of a human being, and he couldn't help it. It seemed the walk had only cleared his mind for only a little bit until the fog seeped back in. "W-why... why..." Shakily, his good hand gripped tighter around his scarf, burying his face into the folds of the deep blue fabric as the tears threatened to spill from his defeated eyes. He trembled and found it harder to breath with every passing second.

Just as Yoongi sunk himself further into his despair, he was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts by an audible rumbling. Startled out of his mind, he turned and there was a purring cat right next to him that had somehow climbed upon the bench without him noticing. In a swift motion, Yoongi wiped the tears welling in his eyes, almost as if he were ashamed for any living thing to see him in such a state, even a furry animal. "Ah, I didn't see you there," Yoongi sniffled, realizing he was talking to a cat of all things. The feline's silver-blue orbs gazed at the man in the most piercing, almost intelligent expression. It was a curious sight coming from a beautiful fluffy feline with it's colorful and pristine spotted white, black, and orange fur. "You probably think I'm pathetic, right? I mean, I'm talking to a cat," Yoongi laughed pathetically. Yet, somehow the presence of the friendly cat eased some of Yoongi's pain. He always had a fondness for small, fluffy creatures such as the one before him. As Yoongi sighed, shakily inhaling, the most curious occurrence took place. The calico cat made its way closer to the human, placing its paw on the lap of the man before gracefully springing onto his lap and meowing. It was as if the cat understood Yoongi's pain and meant to comfort him, which was exactly what he needed.

Boy Meets Evil (Yoonseok) (EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora