Chapter 8

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As the two saiyans were flying to where their friends were at hoping to make it in time. Soon they see Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta all beaten up from the orange haired guy. the two landed on the ground and the ones that have never seen them before were staring in shock at the two new comers.

??? "Who are you two suppose to be?"

YN just stared at the orange haired weirdo as Goku went to heal krillin and Gohan then he threw a senzu bean over to Vegeta and Vegeta just looked in shock as he started feeling a whole lot better.

Well as that was happening YN was looking at this man as the guy said.

YN's Pov

??? "Prepared to be scared."

The guy  took in a deep breath and said.

??? "Now feel the power Recoome yeah."

YN (mind) "Why does he sound like a retarded child version of Sylvester Stallone?"

The guy I think is named Recoome said.

Recoome? "Die!"

He charged right at me and as he did I simply moved away from him and appeared behind his friends watching as they were trying to find me. Soon their scouters were going off and they looked behind them and they were confused as to how I got behind them so quickly. They went to attack me but I did the same thing but this time I landed on recoomes head and said.

YN "Now if I was an orange haired retard where would I be?"

Recoome "Get off my head!"

He went to grab me but I jumped off landing on the ground in front of him. 

Recoome "So what your fast but speed isn't going to be enough to save you. I have this special little move that you won't be able to dodge no sir."

He charged up his attack and said.

Recoome "Recoome Eraser Gun!!"

I crossed my arms and went up to him and as he went to charge at me I kicked him in the chest causing him to stop and fall over.

YN "Fucking dumbass a retard could see an opening that you left from a mile away."

Goku "Krillin, Gohan stay back me and YN got this."

Goku floated down next to me and we were staring down the other two.

YN "I got the blue one you get the red one."

Goku "OK."

The red one started talking until goku punched him dead square in thee nose it was actually quite funny. He then held his face then said.

Jeice "Y-y-you how d-d-dare you!"

Goku "Hm How dare me wasn't it you that was talking about you were going to attack me?"

The blue one came at me when I wasn't looking and i caught his fist twisted his arm and threw him onto the ground and just stared at him like he was nothing. (A quote from Arnold. Arnold You're nothing but a choir boy compared to me." Thank you Arnold now back to the story.)

He stood up and tried to attack me again and I put my hand in his face causing him to stop in place and I summoned a ki blast and sent him flying into the air and the red one was up there as well.

Burter "Jeice we should try the Purple comet crash."

Jeice "Haven't used that attack in a long time. Alright."

So their names are Jeice and I think the other ones name is burter but as i was thinking about that they were charging up and attack but as it was coming towards Goku and I. Goku lets out a scream and it basically acted like a barrier and the blasts that came at us were bouncing all over the place and none of then hit either of us. The two looked at us in shock.

Jeice "Not a single one hit them?"

YN "You know I'll give you a chance leave or suffer the worse kind of pain imaginable."

Burter "I will not be bested by two monkeys!"

YN "*Sigh* I warned you. I'll use my full power."

I charged forward and punched him in the face then kicked him in the chest making him fall to the ground but before he could I grabbed him and tossed him into the air then charged up an attack. 

YN "This is the end."

I shot Burter with a full power energy wave and as he screamed he got evaporated with the blast. when the dust cleared there was nothing left of him.

YN "I think I may have over did it a bit."

While everyone was looking at what happened Jeice took this opportunity to escape.

Goku "YN I thought we said no killing."

YN "Hey its not my fault these guys are weak as hell."

Krillin "How are you two so strong?"

YN "We trained everyday when we were getting here and at the end we trained at 100 times normal gravity."

Vegeta was looking at us in shock and didn't say a word. About 10 minutes go by and  we sense two power levels and one was Jeice and the other was someone else stronger than jeice but weaker than Goku and me.

??? "So you are the two that took out most of my men."

YN "That's right who are you?"

??? "I am Captain Ginyu!"

As he said this and he got into a pose I thought to myself.

YN's Mind "Why do they remind me of a gay version of the power rangers."

YN "Well Goku are you up for another fight?"

Goku "I always am."

we got into our fighting positions and we charged at the two members of the ginyu force as they did to us.

End of chapter 8

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