Chapter 4

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3rd POV

(Y/N): Where we could get our ammo?

The three went silent

Alexei: Shit  We forgot about that 

Jacob: We forgot that  we are in another world with different ammo

Shinji: Dang it 

(Y/N): Ok we need to check how many ammo we have left

The four check their ammo reserve

(Y/N): Ok I have four clips for my Garand and three magazines for my Grease gun and five magazines for my M1911. How about you Jacob?

Jacob: Four mags for Sturmgewehr 44 and five mags 

(Y/N): Alexei

Alexei: Five mags for my SVT and three mags for my PPSH with 4 mags for my TT Pistol

(Y/N); Shinji

Shinji: I conserve most of my ammo so I have four clip for my arisaka rifle and four mags four Nambu pistol

(Y/N): Damn it it's not enough for even one semester for this school

Shinji: I suggest we should go to the city and find ammo and bullets

Alexei: But comrade their ammo is made of dust while our ammo made out of bullets and mine is Stallinium

Jacob: Excuse me I think German weapons and ammo is the vest the world

Alexei: Oh you want round two fascist scum

(Y/N) intervene before everything went south

(Y/N): Will you two stop fighting. Alright we are going to the nearby town or city to find ammo maybe dust bullets similar to ours 

Shinji: I agree 

Jacob: Ja

Alexei: Agree Comrade

(Y/N): Alright let's go

As (Y/N) open the door and see Ms. Goodwitch

(Y/N): Ms. Goodwitch What are you doing here?

Glynda: Professor Ozpin wants to give you this 

She gave the four a rectangular glass thing>

As (Y/N) Check

(Y/N): What is that?

Alexei: Is that a mirror

Glynda: That's is a scroll

(Y/N): What is a scroll?

Glynda: You don't know what is..... oh right you four from the other world.  a scroll is an object that appears to function as a collapsible, holographic tablet. It is able to gauge a user's Aura and depict it as a life bar, along with those of the user's teammates. Also, scroll using for research and communication

Shinji: Basically like a telephone and a book with all the information

Glynda: Correct

Alexei: How do you use or operate this

Jacob: It is complicated like a machine or a telegram?

Glynda demonstrate  and lecture how scroll works

Timeskip after a long discussion about how to use a scroll

Glynda: And that's how scroll works

Glynda saw the four amaze about the new technology

 Shinji: Fascinating 

(Y/N): Your right Shinji

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