When Jax pulled up to the curb of the address he was given he didn't expect the house that sat on a perfectly green lawn with rose bushes sitting in the stone pots by the door. When Andy told him that she bought a bigger house she wasn't kidding. It definitely didn't look like it belonged to a member of the Son's

Taking his helmet off his now shaved head he heard yelling coming from inside the house before the door opened wide. Jax let out a small chuckle as the three kids he loved the most came running down the brick path not touching a single blade of grass before they ran across the driveway

Abel was the first to make it to Jax, wrapping his arms around his father was something he had been wanting to do since Jax got locked up, when he was in Chino there was a strict no contact rule, so five years of looking at his father and not being able to give his dad a hug hurt him greatly

After Jax was showered with kisses by his children he looked up at the door and saw Andy leaning against the white trim door frame his kutte folded neatly over her forearm that is now covered in tattoos she had a wide smile plastered on her face as she watched her children love on their father, she knew that this was something that meant a lot to them so she didn't want to take that away from them

Andy watched as Jax took Mia's hand and began walking up the driveway

"Dad don't step on the grass mom will kill you," Tommy said

"Got it kiddo" Jax smiled

Jax walked up the concrete steps and Andy smiled at him as he wrapped his arms around her

"Hey there handsome" Andy smiled

"Hey there beautiful" Jax smiled as he placed a kiss on her lips, Jax knew that he wanted to save the rest for later after the kids were sleeping


Andy shuffled around the clubhouse, doing her old lady duties, the ones that she had learned over the years. Walking towards Jax she smiled knowing that one of the nicer sweetbutts were going to take the kids home and get them in bed so Jax and she could have some alone time before heading home

"Babe, how's everything running?" Jax asked as he looked around

"It's perfect just like I wanted it to be. Perfect for the homecoming of my men" Andy smiled as she took a seat on Jax's lap

Jax wrapped his arms around Andys waist and kissed her shoulder

"You did good while I was gone baby" Jax said as he kissed the spot right below her ear

"I tried if it wasn't for everyone here I wouldn't have been able to do it" Andy said as she ran her hands over Jax's hair

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Jax smiled

Andy's lips curled slightly, she knew what tomorrow was, she had been waiting the past five years for it


The next morning

Andy stood in the mirror and smoothed her hands over the simple white sundress, her hair pinned back with a small clip that Mia insisted she wore. Looking to her left Mia was coloring quietly in the chair

"Mia are you ready?" Andy asked as she walked over towards Mia

"I am momma, are you?" Mia asked as she closed her book and looked at her mother

Andy kneeled down to Mia's level and kissed her cheek

"I've been ready for a long time Mia. Why don't you go see Daddy and make sure he looks handsome" Andy smiled

Mia ran towards the door and down the hall into Abel's room

"Daddy are you ready?" Mia asked as she closed the door behind her

Jax turned around as he buttoned the last button on his suit "Of course baby girl"

"Daddy, Mommy looks really pretty" Mia said as Jax picked her up

"I bet she does, are you excited?" Jax asked as he kissed his daughters cheek

Mia nodded her head as she wrapped her arms around her father's neck

"Let's go Daddy" Mia said as she wiggled to be set back on the ground

Jax looked in the mirror before smoothing his suit down, today had been a day he had been waiting for. A day that he would make his family official. Before Jax had gotten locked up he wanted to get married to Andy, but God had other plans. During Jax's time he really thought about his family and what he wanted out of the rest of his life. And that was Andy and the kids,

He didn't want to be in and out of jail for the rest of his life, he wanted to watch his kids grow, he didnt want this life for them. None of it. After church this morning Jax made his decision for the future of the Tellers. Looking back on Abel's bed laid his kutte, the kutte that formed him into the man he was today. Somewhere deep down Jax knew he was always going to be an outlaw but going forward today he would leave that all behind him

Jax took a deep breath as he took his little girls hand and proceeded out of his eldest sons room knowing there was no looking back, his kutte would be forever remembered his presidency would always be with him but the patch was gone, his outlaw life behind him as he walked towards the foyer of his house to start his life all over.

Jax walked passed a photo of Tara and Thomas that hung on the wall. Stopping to take a quick look as the woman he once loved he smiled "Thank you for bringing that beautiful stranger to my life Tara. I couldn't of done this without her"

The end

Its been over a year that I have updated this, life happened and I am greatly sorry. But I'm going to do my best to get everything finished up and other stories to continue.  Once again I am sorry just bare with me folks

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