Chapter Seven

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Jax's head hurt from crying most of the night, he didn't know what he was going to do without Andy in his life, first he lost Tara and now he possibly lost Andy forever, Jax knew he should of been honest with her from the get go but even after a short amount of time Jax knew that he couldn't be without Andy, he needed her in his life not just for himself but for his boys. Andy reluctantly agreed to stay for the next four day and spend the time with the boys so Jax didn't have to pay Neeta to keep them. But it was when he came home Jax was what Jax was worried about. Andy was partly right, part of his heart still did belong to Tara but Jax also knew that Tara was never coming back and he couldn't just sit around for the rest of his life sulking raising two boys alone. Andy didn't want to stay in the bed with Jax last night and that really broke Jax. But Jax knew that if Abel didn't walk out of that bedroom when Andy was leaving that he would of definitely lost her forever. Jax knew that Andy loved the boys and they loved her back but to hear Abel say that he wanted Andy to be his mommy, Jax really took it to heart.

When Andy woke up she forgot that she slept on the couch, hearing Jax cry most of the night broke her heart, she didn't want to upset him and cause him to cry all night knowing that he was riding for a few hours this morning she felt terrible. When Abel said those things to her last night Andy's heart broke into a million pieces when he said that he wanted her to be him Mommy. Andy got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen and began to make breakfast. She knew that she was probably going to leave after Jax returned from his run but she also knew that it was going to effect Abel pretty bad so it was going to put her in a rough situation on what to do.

Jax walked out to the kitchen in a pair of sweatpants, grabbing  his pack of cigarettes off the table Jax lit one and looked at Andy

"I know you are upset with me" Andy said quietly

"I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you from the beginning, I just was trying to keep you safe and not worried. But that doesn't matter now because I know you are going to want to leave when I get back. I'm sorry I hid things from you Andy. I was being selfish, I just wanted to be happy again,because I knew you were going to want to leave" Jax said

Andy's shoulders fell "I haven't decided what I am going to do yet Jax"

"Not only am I going to lose you but my kid too, and that kills me the most. Andy I am so sorry I wish you could see that" Jax said as he watched Andy crack some eggs into a bowl

"Do you really think I would take your child away from you Jax?" Andy asked as she turned around

"You told Abel you needed to go back where you came from, Andy please don't leave" Jax said as he placed his cigarette in the ash tray

"Lets just take a few days apart, maybe we need this. I need time to think and I think you just need to be alone for a few days Jax. I have a big decision to make. I do know that I love you, I never thought I could possibly be wanted after everything that Norman put me through but you showed me that I can be loved. And I hope that you do actually love me and not just someone to play house with you" Andy said as Jax walked closer

"I do love you, Andy I do still love Tara and she will always be in my heart but my heart is big enough for the both of you. You changed me. I didn't want to tell you this but, before I found you on the side of the road my plan was to lay my bike down. I didn't want to be alive anymore because everyone that I loved died, but then I saw you and I knew that I needed to live to make sure you were safe and out of harms way" Jax said as he placed his hands on her cheeks

Andy's face grew pale, at that moment she knew she was the only reason why Jax was alive today, she feared that if she left when Jax came back he would have three children without a father

After breakfast Jax was packing his bag for the road when Andy came in and sat on the bed next to his bag "I'm not going to leave, but I need to know everything. I need to know the man I fell in love with"

Jax stopped packing and walked over to Andy and leaned down to her level "Anything you want to know I will tell you, no more secrets. I will tell you anything you want to know" Jax said as he placed a kiss on Andy's lips

"One lie Jax and I am gone" Andy said looking into Jax's eyes

"No lies, nothing full disclosure I promise" Jax said kissing Andy again

A few hours later Andy stood in the parking lot of TM and watched Jax hug his sons, and all of the other members hugging and kissing their old ladies. Jax walked over to Andy and wrapped his arms around her "I love you Andy, I will see you in a few days"

"I love you too Jax, remember what I said" Andy said

"I know babe, and when I get back we will talk I will tell you everything, I will call you later okay" Jax said as he kissed her passionately

"Okay, ride safe babe" Andy smiled as she watched Jax walk away

Andy loaded the boys into the truck and sat in the front seat, looking back in the mirror she smiled at Abel who was looking back at her

"You doing okay buddy?" Andy asked knowing it was hard for Abel to watch Jax leave knowing that he was going to be gone for a few days

"Yeah Mommy I am doing okay" Abel smiled, that was the first time she ever had been called mommy, tears formed in her eyes as she looked at Abel

"That's great buddy, how about we go home and make some cookies and brownies" Andy smiled back at Abel

"I would love that Mommy" Abel said as he went back to playing with Thomas's car seat

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