Chapter Eight

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Jax walked through the clubhouse in search for Chibs and Happy. It had been two days since they left and Jax was ready to head home. He knew they couldn't since they had a meeting first thing in the morning. Andy had been quiet the last to days towards Jax, she would answer the phone and talk to him for a bit but she always rushed to get him off the phone, he just wanted to go home and see her and make sure that she was okay. When Tara was pregnant with Thomas Jax remembered reading somewhere that sometimes the first pregnancy could seriously take a toll on you but it depended on the person, but Jax knew that Andy would be okay but he was still worried

Andy rubbed her temples, she was worn out. Thomas was throwing up everywhere and she just didn't know what to do besides keeping him hydrated and try and have him eat something. He hadn't eaten any solid food since the night that Jax left and he would get up in the middle of the night crying for Jax.

Andy didn't want to call Jax because she didn't want Jax to think she couldn't handle taking care of  his boys while he was gone but since Thomas spiked a fever a few hours ago and Andy tried everything to get it to come down but it wasn't budging. After calling Jax a few times and him not answering Andy knew that it was time to take Thomas to the hospital

After calling rat boy to get his girlfriend over to the house to watch Abel, Andy put Thomas in his car seat in the truck and drove towards St. Thomas

Jax heard his phone ring from inside of the chapel doors, he knew it was Andy but they were in the middle of a deal and he couldn't walk out of the room to get his phone, he was able to get the deal pushed up till tonight meaning he could leave as soon as it was over, he needed to get home and take care of his family. And make love to his old lady

Andy walked into St. Thomas with Thomas in her arms and throw up all over her shirt since Thomas decided to puke all over her when she took him out of the car seat. Once they were brought back to a room Andy began to wonder why Jax wasn't answering his phone after she called almost a dozen times and texted him, looking for her phone that Jax had given her she realized that she must have left it in the car, sighing as now she had no way of communication with Jax

Jax ran out of the clubhouse when he saw the text that Andy was taking Thomas to the emergency room, he felt like shit that he wasn't there for his son when he needed him and he felt even worse that Andy needed him and he wasn't there for her

Once Jax got to St. Thomas he was brought back to his room to find Andy laying on the bed with a sleeping Thomas

"Babe I am so sorry I was in church" Jax said as he walked over to the bed

"I know you are important Jax but when you are super far away you have to keep your phone on you" Andy said as she sat up

"I know and I will from now on I promise, is he okay?" Jax asked looking at the monitors that Thomas was hooked up to along with the IV

"He's dehydrated and tired" Andy said as she ran her hand over the sleeping boys head

"Babe you have something on your shirt" Jax said noticing the smell radiating from her shirt

"I know he puked on me on our way in here" Andy said shrugging her shoulders knowing that she was going to have to get used to things like this

Jax pulled his hat and kutte off and slid his hoodie over his head and passed it to Andy who quickly put it on and smelled it

"Do you smell everything?" Jax laughed

"Only when they smell like leather and cigarettes, its my favorite smell" Andy smiled as she pulled the sleeves up to her nose again

Jax wrapped his arms around Andy and closed his eyes. Jax missed doing this while he was away, Jax had to admit that he missed Andy the most while he was away, not like he missed Tara. Jax knew that Tara would forever be in his heart but Andy was coming to take her place. Jax knew what he was feeling towards Andy and he needed to show her how he felt

"Babe I have to show you something" Jax said as she stepped back from Andy

Andy looked at Jax with a concerned look on her face, she didn't know what he was doing

"I thought long and hard about this, a lot of things have been changing in my life and I enjoy where I am now in my life, I have a amazing old lady by my side who takes care of me and my boys. I know you had your doubts about being my old lady and that I wouldn't stay faithful when I asked you to get my crow" Jax said as he pulled his shirt, the name Andrea sitting on his right lapel

Andys eyes nearly fell out of her head "Oh Babe I don't know what to say" Andy said as she traced her name on Jax's skin

"I did this because I love you and I want the world to know that I belong to you" Jax said as he crashed their lips together. Jax's plan was to propose to Andy but he stopped himself. Jax knew that he had almost pushed all of Tara out of his life but the last thing he had left was his wedding ring and he wasn't ready to get rid of that yet. Jax hoped that sometime down the road he would be ready to ask Andy to marry him if they worked out

"I love you too Jax" Andy smiled as she looked up at him

"You look tired babe" Jax said as he ran his hand through Andy's hair

"So tired, I haven't slept in two days" Andy said

"Listen go home and get some sleep I can take over from here" Jax said as she kissed Andy's forehead

"I don't mind Jax really" Andy smiled as Jax pulled her in for a hug

"Go home and get some sleep" Jax said

Andy smiled at Jax, she knew he was right. She was drained and wanted to sleep but she would sleep better if Jax was in bed with her

"I would love to but I think I would sleep better after a long hot shower with you" Andy smiled as she placed her hands on Jaxs shirt and bit her lip

Jax's lips curled into a smile as he laced his fingers with hers and placed a kiss on her lips

"Daddy" Thomas cried

"Hey little man" Jax smiled as he walked over to the bed and leaned down and kissed Tommys head

A short time later Tommy was released and Jax was able to go home and put his son to bed. Walking into the bedroom he found Andy fast asleep in a pair of Jax's sweatpants and his Samcro shirt, Jax undressed himself and slipped in behind Andy and pulled her close, still terrified Andy wasn't going to be there when he woke.

Beautiful Strangers // Jax Teller Fan FicTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang