Chapter Twelve

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Andy walked through the streets of Charming, pulling her sweatshirt as close to her body as she could, she was tired and needed sleep, but she didn't have anywhere to go. Jax locked her out  of the house and every bit of money she had was in the bedroom in her purse. Hearing a small roar of a motorcycle Andy stepped onto the sidewalk as it slowed down and came to a stop

"Andy, Lass is that you?" Chibs asked as he removed his helmet

"Yeah" Andy said quietly as she shifted her feet

"What are you doing walking around in the middle of the night?" Chibs asked

"I left, and then Jax locked the door we got into a pretty big fight" Andy said as she started to cry

"Come on I'll bring you to my house for the night, lets get you out of the cold" Chibs said as he handed Andy his helmet

Jax walked slowly through the house as Neeta walked in the door, he hated having to call her but he didn't have an option. Feeling like the biggest asshole in the world for letting Andy leave, he had no idea where she was or if she was even safe

A short time later Jax walked into the clubhouse, it was clearly written all over his face that something was wrong

"Jackie you okay brother? Chibs asked as he sipped his coffee

"No, Andy left last night and I have no idea where she is. I should of stopped her, I put her and my unborn daughter in danger" Jax said as Chibs wrapped his arms around Jax

"Im sorry brother, why did she leave? You two had a fight?" Chibs asked

"Yeah, she suggested naming the baby after Tara and I flipped, grabbed her pretty rough too" Jax said shaking his head in disgust that he did something like that

"Damn brother" Chibs said remembering seeing the bruise on Andy's arm this morning before he left

"I need to find her Chibs, I need to make sure shes safe" Jax said

Chibs thought for a second, he knew he should tell Jax that Andy was probably sitting on his couch watching television eating breakfast but Chibs knew Jax crossed the wrong line

"I'll keep my eyes peeled Jackie" Chibs said as he walked away

Jax ran a shaky hand through his messy hair, he had no idea where Andy was and it scared him

Two days later

Jax was running on empty. It had been two days since Andy left and he had gotten no where, calling church Jax sat at the head of the table

"Brothers, I called you here because I did something terrible. I let Andy walk out of my life, the other night we had a huge fight about naming our daughter after Tara, I was pretty rough with her too and I'm ashamed of it. Andy left, I haven't seen or heard from her since then. I don't know if she is safe or dead in a ditch somewhere. I miss her, our boys miss her. I love Andy so much. And as much as it took me the last few days I can fully admit that I love Andy more then I ever loved Tara. Andy brought me back to who I needed to be and without her I am lost. Brothers please keep your eyes out for Andy. Talk to everyone you know and find my old lady" Jax said as he slammed the gavel down

Chibs stormed into his house, it was late. He  terrible for keeping Andy at his house and not telling Jax but Chibs knew if Andy stayed any longer Jax wasnt going to be happy

"Lass, Jax told the whole club what he did, the man loves you" Chibs said

"I was going to ask you for a ride back, I was at the clubhouse today, outside of the chapel I heard the whole thing" Andy said as she bit her lip

Chibs let out a sigh "lets get you home lass"

Jax closed the boys door quietly when he heard a bike pull into his driveway opening the door he saw Andy standing there. At that moment Jax didn't care where she was as long as she was home and in his arms

"I'm so sorry babe, I should of never spoken to you like that" Jax said as he pulled Andy to him

Andy inhaled his scent, the scent she missed greatly. Jax brought her face to meet his, his hands resting on the side of her neck "I love you so much Andy"

"I love you too Jax" Andy said as she placed her lips on Jax's

"Mommy is that you?" Abel asked rubbing his tired eyes

Andy wiggled out of Jax's grasp and picked Abel up and hugged him tightly "Its me baby"

"I missed you Tommy did too" Abel said as his arms squeezed Andy tight

"I missed you too, lets get you back to bed, we have a busy day tomorrow" Andy said looking at Jax

Jax met Andy in the bedroom, she was already laying on the bed in his clothes like usual. Jax crawled on the bed and rested his head on her chest "I'm sorry, whatever you want me to do to show you I will do it"

"I heard what you said today Jax" Andy whispered as Jax looked up at her surprised "I came to the club to talk to you, I was outside of the chapel when you were talking about me"

Jax's eyes got wide not realizing that Andy heard every single word he said "Anything Andy, anything you want I will do it" Jax said as he laced his fingers with hers

"I just want you to be you Jax, I'm not asking for you to be someone else. Just be the man I fell in love with" Andy smiled

"I will be that and then some. I thought you were gone forever, that I would never see you again" Jax said as he placed a hand on her stomach

"Why didn't you come after me?" Andy asked looking into Jax's eyes

"Because I hated myself for hurting you, for making you want to leave me" Jax said quietly

Andy bit the inside of her cheek pondering if she should tell Jax she was sitting outside when Jax locked the door on her "I just want you to hold me"

"I'll be holding on to you for the rest of our lives" Jax said as he laid on his back and pulled Andy to him

Jax knew at that moment that he was going to do everything in his power to keep Andy with him, Jax knew that he almost lost her twice and that the third time would be the final time and that was something he wasn't ready for. Jax closed his eyes, mentally saying goodbye to Tara forever. Andy was the only woman that held his heart from now on

Sorry readers I'm going through some things.... hopefully i will get back in the swingof things

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