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the sound of the ocean roaring before crashing down against the shore was what prompted tord's eyes to open. he felt as if heavy chains were placed over his eyelids trying to force them closed. nevertheless, he opened them and was surprised when an endless blanket of blue stretched out before him. a wrecking ball pounded around in his skull as the man dug his fingers into the sand and pulled himself up.

"helvete.." tord gasped out as he felt a sting in his midsection. he let out a pained grunt and lifted the end of his tattered hoodie. a bloody gash ran from his bellybutton to just above the hem of his jeans. due to his experience in the army, he could tell it wasn't fatal or too deep. but that didn't stop it from hurting like literal hell.

tord controlled his panic and looked around to analyze his environment. on his left was the ocean as far as the eye could see. on his right was a vast expanse of forest. there were only a couple of palm trees he could spot. i'm on an island, he thought, running a hand through his hair. before this, was... plane crash! tord remembered. he shut his eyes tightly as he forced himself to stand up, clutching an arm around his injured stomach. i'm still alive. it'll be okay. he used his other hand to reach into the side of his pants, feeling his trusty pocket knife strapped on the inside like he'd always had. tord sighed with relief and scanned the area again. gotta find drinkable water. he began limping towards the forest, pain shooting through the wound with each small step.


the moment tom's eyes fluttered open, he shot up in alarm and screamed, pulling at his own hair. he looked around, body aching dully from how he'd landed. the brit's scream died off into a helpless whimper as he realized that the plane crash really hadn't been a nightmare. "oh lord." tom gulped and got up, checking himself to see if he had any injuries. the only thing that seemed to be wrong with his body was a pain in his back and dried blood on his lip. tom took quick and shallow breaths, looking around. he saw the ocean stretching far and wide and a forest that gave him a bad feeling.

"shit, don't panic, don't panic," tom mumbled, pacing in circles. "edd and matt and tord should be alive if i am, r- right?" he looked up and gazed into the forest once more, fear rising inside him. tom took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to gather his emotions. he opened them again to mumble, "i have to make a shelter." the brunette decided. he gave himself a quiet pep talk as he walked towards the forest, growing more reluctant with every step.


"edd? edd, are you okay!? don't be dead! edd!"

edd groaned as he felt someone frantically shaking his body, his hazel eyes shut tightly. "no.." he muttered.

"the plane crashed, edd!" the familiar voice sounded more afraid now. they sounded like they were on the verge of tears. "wake up!"

"..huh?" edd forced his eyes to open, seeing matt kneeling over him with a terrified look on his freckled face.

"the plane crashed!" he repeated, standing up and running his hands through his ginger locks stressfully.

the memories of the event rushed back to edd and he sat up, looking around and realizing matt was right for once. "oh no.." he mumbled under his breath, standing up and grabbing matt's arm. "we'll be okay."

"no we won't!" matt threw his arms in the air, hot tears already rolling down his face. "we're gonna die here, edd! our friends are already dead, probably, and-!"

edd slapped a hand over matt's mouth, sighing. "just- stop panicking and let me think." he looked around against, seeing the forest and the ocean. "are you hurt anywhere?"

matt shook his head, arms wrapped around himself.

"good. i'm not, either." edd nodded. "i think we'll just have to find some water we can drink, right?"

"the ocean water?" matt tilted his head.

"that's not drinkable, matt." he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"o- oh."

edd intertwined fingers with matt, looking up and gazing into the forest. "we'll have to go in there; stay close to me, okay?"

matt worriedly looked at edd, blue eyes filled with fear. "y- yeah, okay."

"i promise you we'll be fine." edd gave him a tiny, hopeful smile. matt only nodded unbelievingly. the pair began to walk uneasily towards the forest.

sorry for it being so short- i doubt anyone's gonna read this anyway because eddsworld fanfictions that don't include ships don't get very popular :/

if you did read this, i hope you enjoyed it and there'll be more to come!

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