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A/N: This has no relation to the story, it's just cause I wanna see how many people remember this song ;)



"-he's listening..." And listening I am. I peeked through the window, hearing their muffled voices. This Romeo boy doesn't know that I can accomplish more than I seem. I saw Julian slowly creep out of Romeo's grasp and into the bathroom. Opening. I watched the bathroom door shut and Romeo leave out of the bedroom. Opening two. I crept into the bedroom and locked the bedroom door. Phase one. I hid in the closet and waited. Waiting... Waiting... Creak... I watched through the tight shutters as Julian stepped out, scratching his head. I slowly opened the door... Now. I quickly clasped a hand around Julian's mouth and gagged him until his body fell unconscious. Phase two. I picked up his body bride style and stuck my head out the window. I signaled my friend to get out and help me. I watched him frantically run across the damp grass as I let him hold Julian. I jumped out the window, shutting it behind me, and ran to the van. "Hurry! Put him in!" I hissed quietly to my friend as he silently put Julian in the back of the van. I went in the back too just to tie him up. "Go! Go!" I barked as we zoomed off. 

I grabbed the rope and bound Julian down, tying his hands together by the wrists and his legs together by the ankles. I sighed and got across the back from him, eying him up and down. This week is going to be fun...

𝕽𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖔/𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝕾𝕶𝖎𝖕

I walked up the stairs. The house was oddly quiet.... Julian would be blasting music by now, from what he tells me.I slowly open the bedroom door... Empty. "Julian?" I call out, checking the room. Still empty. "Julian?!" I call louder. Nothing. "Julian if this is a joke, then come out!" I call even louder. None. "Julian if you don't want a missing persons report on you, then come out!" I scream. Nothing... Panic runs through my veins as I scatter through the house. No open windows or broken door knobs. No fucking thing. I run to my phone and dial 911 (A/N: Bold is 911).

Hello, what is your emergency?

Yes, I would like to file a missing persons report.

Who is this on?

Julian Capulet.

Okay, when do you think he has went missing?

A few minutes ago.

Do you know how?

No, ma'am.

Okay. In what way do you know him?

I'm his boyfriend..

Oh! I am sorry he went missing.

It's okay..

Okay, what is your address?

(Insert random address heck even pizza hut's)

Okay, we are coming right away.

Thank you.

I hung up, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. Julian can't be missing! I just got him! Burning tears ran down my eyes as I slid down the wall. I should have been with him. I should have waited for him to come out. I should have done something! I should have fucking known! I look up to a knock on the door. They get here fast. I shakily get up and head towards the door. I open the door to a slightly taller middle aged looking officer, two other behind him. "We need to search the place." The front said, pushing past me as the other two follow. I shut the door an sat down on the couch, wondering about Julian. Is he okay? Is he hurt? Where is he? He just left, so he has to be close?

I sighed.

I won't be able to live without him, even if we known each other for a little under a year.

Romeo and Julian [COMPLETED?]Where stories live. Discover now