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"You idiots look like I just ran over all of your dogs and then handed you its collar as a peace offering."

The sudden sound of Sergeant Gioia's voice against the deafening roar of the engine startles me out of my stupor.  A humored smirk lights up his face as he leans back against the plane wall, his arms crossed over his chest.  I'd almost forgotten he was standing over there.

"Lighten up a little bit,"  he goes on, glancing at all of us.  "I know you're all shitting your pants right now because the anxiety in the air is unbelievable, but you're all more than ready.  You know what you're doing.  I wouldn't be sending you out here if I didn't think you were prepared.  Trust me."

No one dares to speak up. Darkness from the surrounding sky pools into the plane and shrouds us in shadows, all except for the single red light next to the door we're supposed to jump out of.  Its ominous crimson glow sends a shiver down my spine every time I look at it.  When that thing turns green, it's go time, and there's no avoiding it.

Amused by our anxious silence, Sergeant Gioia smiles.  "Why don't you share what you're planning on fighting for?"  he suggests, raising his voice to be heard over the engine.  "Maybe that'll knock some of you out of your trances."

Again, no one speaks.  Silently, and nervously, we exchange glances, hoping that someone will bite the bullet and start talking first.  I'm afraid my voice will come out as a frail squeak if I even try to talk.  The stress and adrenaline pouring through my veins is starting to make my entire body tremble.

Finally, from across the plane, Matthew clears his throat and speaks up.  The slight tremor in his voice is difficult to miss.  "I'm fighting for my family back home,"  he says. "My beautiful wife Stephanie, and our son.  Oliver."

Sergeant Gioia nods, a solemn expression adorning his face.  "I'm sure they're very proud of you,"  he says.  "And you should be proud of yourself, too.  I'll be praying for you and your family."

I had no idea that Matthew had a child, but learning that fact only makes my heart ache all the more.  People like that shouldn't be in a war.  He should be at home, taking care of his family, raising his son with his wife.

I hate this world sometimes.

Then, from Delta's side of the plane, Patrick goes next.  "I'm fighting for peace,"  he says, swallowing the lump in his throat.  "I'm sick of wars and people dying for no reason.  I want the world to get along, and I won't stop until that happens."

Without realizing it, I nod my head along with Sergeant Gioia.  I want peace, too.  None of us should be here, involved in a conflict halfway across the world.  Wars shouldn't have to happen.  All they do is tear families and countries apart, and I hope to see the day when they finally stop for good.

Garrett and Thomas say they agree with Patrick's statement about fighting for peace.  I'm not quite sure who wouldn't agree, if I'm being honest.

Dan speaks up next, a fearful glimmer in his eyes.  "I'm fighting for friendships,"  he says.  "I'm sure everyone here has another half to them, a person they couldn't live without, and I'm fighting to preserve that.  There's such a beauty in relationships, something that's hard to describe, but you all know what I mean.  Sam and Colby.  Pete and Patrick.  Jack and Mark.  Ian and Anthony.  Shane and Garrett.  Brendon and Ryan."  He pauses then, a small smile lighting up his nervous face as he glances at Phil.  "Phil and me.  Nothing can ever replace a friendship like that, no matter what happens."

I can't hide a smile of my own as the atmosphere around us lightens, if only for a fleeting moment.  Dan's words seemed to warm my soul, relieve the aching tension in my shoulders, because it's true.  A strong friendship can last through anything, and I think that's wonderful.  I'm glad he brought that up.  It really seemed to take away some of our crippling stress for the time being.

The Ghost of Him |WWII Frerard AU|Where stories live. Discover now