thirty three

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Chris' p.o.v.


how did it go
pls tell me u didn't fuck it up

thanks for trusting me bro
it was going perfectly
until we met marie

shit m sorry for u man
what she do

act like a needy idiot idk
last time I spoke to her was
march dude
luna got so pissed off she wanted
to leave

but she didn't really right?

no but
idk man she like confessed her
feelings to me
it was weird
I felt weird

hold up what

yeah she told me she's afraid of me
hurting her
and I can't blame her cus I've
been a bad person
but with her it's different
I've never felt like this w someone
I just like her a lot

did u kiss her yet

not after trying at the party
I haven't known her for a
long time
she probably wants to take things

ask her tho
like not like "yo luna can I
kiss you"
yeah try a bit harder

cant noora talk to her
and ask her sum

what makes u think
she'll tell noora
they're friends but not
super close
i can try tho

yeah maybe pls
I feel like 12 yo

you are
you cant even kiss a girl

it was eskild's fault
my lips were literally on hers

u should invite luna to the party
before theo does


I felt like he liked her
the way he was looking at her at
the party

fucking hell
i better make my move

but now come over and
play fifa
and bring beer

k see ya

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