twenty two

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«So basically yes,I told him so and he dumped me,then he came after me but,sorry man,your girl is already done with your bullshit.» she said,taking a sip from her Italian espresso.

William laughed,while shaking his head.
«You're something else.»
Noora nodded in agreement,smiling widely.

«Thank you so much,Willyboy.»
The group of guys laughed,making lots of noise.
The girls squad,Isak,Jonas and William decided to meet up Luna and she couldn't be happier. She found herself enjoying their presence and their personalities,which was really unusual for her.
She had problems with people in general,as it took ages for her to trust them,but she could already feel that they were genuinely good towards her.

«Are you excited about starting school here?» Christina asked,while eating her yogurt.

Luna nodded. «I really am,but I'm also a bit scared. I speak Norwegian fluently,so I'm not scared of language,I'm scared of school in general.»

«You don't have to,by the way. We're going to help you.» Noora said,caressing her arm.
Luna smiled,noticing that they really looked alike.

«Can I ask you something?» Vilde asked.
Vilde was surely a nice girl,but Luna didn't really like her. She was way too naive and she had already said inappropriate things to her,like "do you know any mafia man?" or "is it true that Italians eat past at breakfast too?"

Luna nodded,taking her last sip of coffee.
«Has Penetrator Chris already offered you to have sex?»

Luna opened her eyes widely. The other guys had more or less the same expression.
«Vilde,what the fuck! You can't ask something like that!» Isak said angrily.

«Why are you being so shocked! It's still Penetrator Chris!» Vilde answered,crossing her arms.

«Vilde,shut the gap up.» William said with a no emotion voice.
Vilde shut her mouth as soon as William talked. No one said anything,anymore.

«No,he didn't. He is someone decent,in some ways,and you shouldn't generalize nor make comments about him,I'm sure you don't have a deep friendship with him,Vilde.»Luna answered,looking straight into her blue eyes.

Vilde's cheeks started heating and she blushed.

Luna didn't understand why people felt the need to judge Christoffer,barely knowing him. Though,she couldn't ignore the fact that Vilde was already the second person who told her about him being a playboy.
She didn't know him,that's why she hadn't answered his messages.

«What were you telling us about Italian fashion,before?» Sana started a new conversation,trying to make the kids forget about Vilde's behaviour.

hey guys! how's your summer going? I hope you liked this chapter; if yes,please don't forget to leave a like and a comment.
see you soon!💓

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