"Unacceptable! Come on, we're going to take you shopping!" Zoran exclaimed as she dragged you out of the park. You blinked at her.

"Shopping? But I don't have any money on me."

"No need to worry about that, I'll pay. After all, Dr Oshay has heaps of money so it's okay for us to spend it!" Zoran told. You frowned at this.

"Whatever you say... Hey, where are we going? The shopping district is in the other direction." You pointed out as you glanced behind you.

"We're going back to my house."

"Huh? What for?"

"To get Astro of course!" You gave Zoran a questioning look as she dragged you back to her house.


Astro was sitting in the lounge room watching TV when Zoran burst through the front door with you following behind her.

"I'm back, big brother!" Zoran exclaimed as she slammed the door open. Astro jumped in his seat and he turned towards her with wide eyes.

"Zoran! Don't scare me like that!" Astro scolded as he stood up from the couch and rested his hands on his hips. He was about to scold her even further when he caught sight of your casual standing and he looked at you in surprise. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" He questioned. You gave him a slight wave and was about to explain when Zoran butted in.

"We're going to the mall for some new clothes!" Zoran exclaimed. Astro raised an eyebrow at this.

"You are? Then why did you come back here?" He inquired. Zoran took hold of Astro's hand and grinned.

"Because you're coming with us! We need someone to carry our bags." Astro stared at Zoran in bewilderment.

"What!? Why do I have to come!?" He began to complain.

"I just told you so come on!" Zoran urged as she dragged Astro behind her. You shrugged and followed behind the two robot siblings, not really caring who came or not.


At the mall, Astro sat in boredom outside of the changing rooms while he waited for you and Zoran to finish changing. Once she was done, Zoran then pulled the curtains back and pulled a pose.

"So? What do you think?" She asked. Astro looked his sister up and down with a thoughtful expression on his face. She wore a light pink frilly skirt with white sneakers, a white singlet and a pink waist high jacket. Zoran did a little twirl while Astro smiled slightly and nodded.

"Yeah, you look good Zoran!" Astro then glanced at the second changing room. "Is Y/n still getting changed?" Zoran puffed her cheeks out and made her way to your changing room.

"Y/n, hurry up! I wanna see how you look!" Zoran said as she pulled back the curtains. She and Astro then froze. You stared at yourself in the mirror with an empty gaze. You then glanced at the two of them and held your arm nervously.

"Um, this isn't really my style..." You muttered as you shifted around on the spot. You currently wore brown leather boots and a F/C flowing skirt with a F/C T-shirt and a white frilly cardigan. Astro and Zoran stared at you with wide eyes. Zoran then squealed and held her hands to her cheeks.

"Y/n, you look so cute!" She squealed as she ran towards you and tugged on your hand. You smiled at Zoran, happy with the compliment. You then glanced up at Astro and gestured to yourself.

"Well? Is this a pass?" Astro stared at you for a moment before smiling and nodding.

"Definitely. You look pretty good. I reckon this look suits you." Astro told as he crossed his arms. You grinned wholeheartedly at him. You then did a little twirl and watched as your skirt rose up a little.

Y/N and friends (Astro boy fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now