Chapter 45

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Miranda's POV

I invited Jason, Amy, Ryan, Michael, Chole and Daniel over so we can go basement. I wasn't too sure what Callar had for us and I wasn't too surprised. She is always full of surprises. Me and mum came waited inside the living room for the others. We heard a knock on the door. And I went to open it to see all of them dressed in black. I looked down at Amy and saw that she was dressed in blue. "She refused to wear black." Jason said. I smiled and pulled the door back. "Come in guys." They all came inside and my mum escorted them to the basement.

I carried Amy down the stairs while the others made their way down. When we got to the bottom I put Amy down on her feet. We walked to the middle of the basement and saw wrapped up presents around a Christmas tree. There was a banner which said earlier Christmas. True to her word Callar had got us all a gift. We all picked up a gift and I passed mum her parcel. "I think I would open my later." I said the others nodded before putting their parcel away. "I am going to open my parcel now." Chole opened  her parcel and pulled out a pink box. Inside the box was makeup. "These are empty." Chole pulled out a lipstick and tried to roll it up only to find it empty.

There was no make up. Chole picked up a note from the box and read it out aloud. "Dear Brave one, you are probably pissed that the makeup kit isn't actually full of make but hear me out. The most important thing in this box is the mirror at the bottom of the box." Chole reached to the bottom of the box and pulled out a mirror which was customised with a picture of her and Callar at the back of it. "You are beautiful Chole no make  should be used to cover it." Chole held the mirror close to her chest. "Bless her."

"Now I am curious." Ryan opened his package. And it was a big book.

"Woah. It is a joke book. Now I can be funnier. I almost made Callar choke so I am doing a good job right?" We all laughed as he picked up a note.

"Dear Rye, I hope you like the book I got you. You are funny alone without any help but I feel like you have potential in this. Read the book and practice Rye. I know this might sound stupid but you have potential to become a comedy. I pray you go far and fulfill this." He folded the note and nodded slowly before wiping his eyes.

"I want to open my too. Can I Jason?" Amy asked. Jason nodded and helped her open her parcel. It was a barbie doll collection. Amy squealed as she held the pack. "Callar is best!!! Where is she?" We all frowned and looked at her. "Amy." Amy looked at Jason confused. She didn't understand. Jason picked up his pacel and opened it. It was a bright blue photo album. He started to flicker through and each page had a picture of Callar and him. Some of the pictures were taken either when he wasn't aware or when she wasn't aware. He put his hand gently on a picture of Callar wearing a white polkadot dress, she was leaning against the door. He smiled as he looked at the picture. He closed the book and held it tight. Michael opened his parcel and it was a vans jacket. He pulled out a note which was in the pocket. "Dear Michael, you wore Nike products and committed crimes. Now you are going to wear vans and be successful like the company. Don't let anyone make you feel like a loser or the worst person alive. You are beautiful and soon others would see it." Michael wore the jacket and put the hood up.
Daniel opened his package. It was a big poster which has a quote written by Callar. It said:

You are awesome and wonderful. Everything you do would be successful.
You are courageous and amazing
I love you with all my heart and soul
Don't forget me ever.
From Callar

He smiled at the poster before crying. I went over to him and hugged him. "Don't cry Daniel."

"I wish I could have saved her."

"It's not your fault." I looked at Jason.

"It's not your fault either. I don't want anyone in here beating themselves over this. It happened. She is gone. The only one to blame is Stephanie."

Mum started to open her parcel which was a letter with a credit card on the envelope. "Dear mama, remember how I got mad at you and took my credit card from you and changed my details so you can't get access to it. Well remember how I told you that I spent all the money on the card. I lied. I never spent a penny. I wanted to save it for university but seeing as I may not be going I have decided that you should have the card and the money. I know people say money can't buy you happiness but I want you to be find happiness mum. I don't want you to be crying over me. The card details are in the envelope please keep them save. Goodbye mum. I love with all my heart and till the end of day." 

Mum smiled and let out a small laugh. "Callar is a very smart girl. I lost my job and got it back but I missed out on a lot of money and she has managed to give it to me." She smiled at us as she opened her arms wide.

"Let's have a quick group huge and get out of here before the spiders get us." We all gathered around in a big group hug.

"Help! I can't breathe." Amy said
We quickly pulled away laughing before making our way upstairs.

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