Chapter 8

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I waited outside Ms Stevens office as I knew that Jason would be there with the other two officers and I needed to talk to him. Suddenly the door open and the two officers walked out and a pale looking Jason walked out behind them.
"Are you OK Jason?"
"I feel so sick today." He said while rubbing his head. "Never will I ever drink."
"Why were we called to be questioned?"
"Honestly I don't know."
"What did you tell the police about your whereabouts?" I asked looking at his face carefully for any sign of emotion. But he didn't give away any.
"I told them I was with you."
"But what time of day did you say"
"Afternoon and evening."
"Why did you say afternoon? It isn't true Jason." He grabbed my hand taking me by surprise and making me look at him.
"Like I said in the library I will explain everything later and your questions will be answered but please just help me out." He paused while looking at my hand. "I didn't murder Luke OK. Ryan is my best friend I will never hurt him like that. But if I don't say I am with you in the afternoon I am going to have to explain what happened in the afternoon and why I got drunk which is kind of...kind of personal."

I stood there thinking about it. Jason has a point he was drunk and he looked awful. He did say he crashed his dad's care that Friday evening so maybe he had an argument with his parents and just got in his dad's car and went to the nearest pub because no student in our school would go to the pub and he knows it. No club would be open in the afternoon. He probably stayed there and got himself drunk but then what happened after. Did he really try to drive in his intoxicated state. If so that is definitely how the car crashed. How did he get to my house? Who gave him my address?  There is a lot of questions which need answering but I don't think they would be answered  anytime from now.
"Listen Callar if the police ask you about my whereabouts again just tell them you were with me ok." I mentally groaned thinking about the amount of times I have lied in school and now it looks like I am about to commit the worst. Lying to the police can get me in a lot of trouble because telling the truth means the case is solved quickly and me lying might delay it.
"Please." I look at him and to be honest he looked awful. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair looked messy. Even though he treated me horribly in the past he did apologise.
"Fine!" I state and Jason hugs me tightly shocking me even more.
"Thank you Callar ."
"This better be worth going jail for." I said sarcastically.
"I wouldn't let that happen trust me."

The bell rang signalling for the next lesson. I rushed to my class to get my bag which wasn't there. I knew Emily probably took it to my next lesson for me so I quickly rushed to the smaller computer room. Emily was there with my bag. "I gave your essay to Ms Helen for you. She said you passed it." I did a little victory dance in my head because I had put so much effort it was crazy. I have never been into an essay before.
"So what happened?" Emily whispered. "I was mainly asked about Jason and where he was last week."
"But why you two?"
"It makes sense Emily." A girl called Chole chipped in. "Jason is the hottest rebel in our school and Callar is the weirdest thing alive. They spend the day together and someone dies-"
"Stop your going too far Chole."
"But it's true she probably made Jason do it. My poor vulnerable baby!" I cringed at her statements. Jason certainly isn't a "poor vulnerable baby" he is far from that. "Vulnerable babies" don't do half the things he has done in school to me and others like me.

Everyone in class then starts discussing how I may have played a part in Luke's murder. I put in my earphones to block them out and go on my play list and cold play fix you comes up.
This song makes me feel even more depressed but I keep my head down and look into my text book while mentally planning my next essay.

"When you try your best and you don't succeed. When you get what you want and it's not what you need." I start to feel the tears threatening to spill and I feel Emily nudge me.
"Are you OK?"
I nod before looking back into my textbook. We had no teacher so after a while everyone started to leave the classroom to go of to their various places. Leaving me and Emily alone.

"I am sorry about this Callar I wish I could defend you it's just hard and I am scared of them." I smiled at her.

"That is absolutely fine Emily. I can't defend my own self so how can I expect anyone else to."

"It's not your fault."

"It's OK Emily. Where is Lily?"

"She hasn't been replying to my messages since last week Friday." Emily said while looking at her phone.

"She was acting unusual last week."

"In what way?"

I paused while coming up with a great way to explain how Lily was behaving. "A bit robotic."

"In what way robotic?" Emily asked

"She was very still and stiff."

"I wonder what made her switch."

"Me too."

We spent the rest of the hour playing games and talking about youtubers because we watch a lot of YouTube videos.

"Callar have you heard that fouseytube is going nuts?"

"Yh but why?"

"I think he is trying to be like Kanye West. Acting crazy online and all of that."


"Do you think that would happen to Jason." I looked her feeling confused.

"Which Jason?"

"Jason. The one in our year."

"He has a YouTube channel?"

"You didn't know?" Oh great.

"I don't keep up with people in our school especially people like Jason."

"I know but I thought you would know because people talk about it in class."

"I don't earsdrop."

"You saying that I do."

"No its just-"

"I am joking!" Emily laughed. I laughed nervously as I had almost been put in a tight situation. The bell rings signalling lunch.

"Let's go and feed me!" Emily states before walking out the classroom.

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