Chapter 37-

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After a few days I was allowed to go home but before the paramedic who was with me in the ambulance van came and spoke to my mum about what happened. He also convinced my mum into getting me to go counselling which she immediately agreed to.

After the conversation he came to me. "Whenever you feel low please just call this number." He gave me a small card with a phone number to call when down.

It was a suicide line number.

I looked up at him and he smiled. "I honestly don't know what is going on in your life to make you choose such an option but I hope it gets better."

After that we parted and went our own ways. The minute I got home Jason, Ryan and Stephanie were there waiting for me in the living room. There was a big banner on the wall which said "welcome home Callan!" I rushed to them and hugged them tightly. Jason didn't join in with the group hug so I went over to him and hugged him. He didn't hug me back so I pulled away and looked at him and saw the look of hurt on his face.

He grabbed my arm before pulling me out of the living room and up the stairs. He pulled me into the spare room before closing and locking the door behind me. I sat on the bed while he paced up and down.
"What is wrong Jason?" He stopped pacing and got out his phone. He was on it for a bit before he gave it to me. I looked at his phone and saw it was a picture of Jason's necklace on the ground. At the top left corner was the user name 'you must see this!' This meant that it whoever it was followed me. Jason looked at me his face full of concern. "Callar." I looked back down at the picture. I know how much that necklace meant to him. Well technically he hasn't said much about it but I can just tell.

"Jason I swear I am going to get the necklace back." He looked down at the carpet. "I am so sorry." I know apologising doesn't help but I just want him to know how sorry I am.

"Did someone push you Callar?" I shook my head. I don't know if the person behind the username would go to that extent. I decided to tell Jason everything about 'you must see this!" I knew it wasn't something to discuss with others only the police but Jason needed to know.

The person had his necklace. No one would leave it on the ground.


"Wow Callar!" Jason breathed

"I know."

"So who do you think is behind the Snapchat account?" Jason asked while laying on the bed. I was peeling of my nail varnish which was making my nails feel dry and weird. I do this when I am anxious.

"I don't know. At first I would have thought it was Lily and Emily seeing as they were involved in the killing of Luke." Jason shook his head slowly.

"I still can't believe they did that. And they got arrested. Now that they aren't in school people are talking about it more than ever some people are talking about how they aren't surprised. When Ryan found out he wanted to murder them but he seems settled now."

The fact that Ryan came to do the social experiment and has come to visit me today made me feel special. He put everything aside to see me that was very nice of him.

A bit too nice.

"Ryan is very brave. If it wasn't for the fact that Lily and Emily had been arrested I would have been 100% sure it's them messing with me." I said.

"That's true." Jason said while sitting up. "It's just I feel like Lily didn't do it."


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