Chapter 32- The Truth Part 2

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"Do you promise?"
"Yes I do."
"You won't tell anyone?"
"No police or anything."
"Yh of course."

Nope. I was stabbed 15 times there is no way that I am staying quiet.
"After Lily was attacked she was no longer in the picture and neither was Mr Josh. But after sometime Luke started to take an interest in another girl called Emily and I am pretty sure you know her."

I nodded before saying. "Yh Lily and Emily are good friends. I am kind of friends with them but it's been weird nowadays."

"Can imagine Callar. Anyways when Lily started to see that Luke was interested in Emily she told us to help her change his mind but we didn't interfere. We didn't want to. She tried to get Emily to cheat which never worked because Emily was truly in love. To be honest I didn't think Lily was worried about Emily being hurt. I think she was scared that Luke and Emily would become something she and Luke never were.

Lily tried everything then one day she had her chance. Emily and Luke were getting intimate and Emily sent a nude of herself to Luke which Lily somehow got hold of. Lily wanted revenge on Luke for 1) the sexual abuse and 2) going of with Emily. So she and Josh planned that night how to trap Luke and kill him. The way they trapped him was Lily managed to lie that she found the package he had given her and so she wanted to give it to him in this park and apologies. When he came he was met with two people Lily and Mr Josh. They both knifed him not knowing that Emily followed then and saw from a far. The minute Lily and Mr Josh saw Emily Mr Josh chased her and grabbed her. They made her help with the clean up. They also threatened to release her nudes if she doesn't cooperate and lie that she participated in the murder if caught. They also knew embarrassing things her mum has done and were willing to leak it." Michael said while playing with the almost empty can in his hand.

"Wait a minute. So Lily got rid of him because he was dating Emily?"
"Yh and she was bitter about what he had done to her."
"How do you know all of this?"
"Mr Josh told me. He wanted to be apart of our group and trusted us enough to say. He told us not to tell or he would report our group to the police so we agreed."
"Wait so my teacher is a murderer?"
"Yh but please don't say a word." I nodded speechless. After that we went back to the party in silence. The party wasn't really a party anymore. A lot of people had left and the music was off. There was a lot of empty packet foods on the floor and empty cups on the floor. Michael went to the living room and reached into a drawer and grabbed his keys. We both walked out of his house and he walked me to a white car.

"Stephanie isn't here so I will just drop you off at her house. "
"Yh that would be great. Thank you."
"No problem." I went on my phone and saw that I had a lot of notifications on Snapchat but I decided to open it later. I sent Stephanie a text saying:

Hey Stephanie Michael is dropping me of at your place. I am almost there.

She replied saying:

Thank God your coming I was very worried. I am home and waiting for you Cali.

I sent her a text reassuring her that I am OK before putting my phone away. We turned into the road that Stephanie lives on while Michael slowly drives. "Just tell me when to stop. I sometimes get confused with which house is Stephanie's." I looked ahead and saw that we weren't there yet.
"Just go a bit more forward." He started to speed up a little until I saw Stephanie's house.
"It's here." He quickly stopped driving. Making me go forward a bit. "Sorry Callar." I gave him a small smile before picking up my bag with my dress and shoes. "I promise to give you the clothes back Michael."

"Nah if you like you can keep it. It looks really good on you." That's nice!

"Aww thank you but I feel like it's too much. At least let me give back the trainer's. They look very expensive."

"Fine but I will come here tomorrow to get it." Then he looked at his phone.

"Or today but later on."


"It's 12:30am."


"Yh I know." Michael unlocked the car door before I opened it.

"Thanks for tonight Michael."

"Its my pleasure Callar." I got out and ran to Stephanie's door which opened immediately.

Stephanie's quickly pulled me in.

"So tell me everything."

"Maybe later."

"No now!" I dragged her to her bedroom and sat us on the bed.

"Lily and Mr Josh killed Luke William and made Emily clean up."

"Oh my God! How do you know this?"

"Michael told me."

"What about Joel?"

"I am honestly not sure. I kind of got distracted with this whole Luke thing." She nodded slowly before rubbing her eyes.

"Callar tell Jason about this." Stephanie suddenly said


"Or Ryan."


"I feel like something bad might happen to us and if the others know then they can speak for us."

"The green snakes would Steph."

"No Callar! They would do anything to save themselves only. I know Jason would do a lot for you I can tell he really cares and Ryan so please tell them."

She got up and walked to the bedroom before turning to face me. "Who's clothes are you wearing?"

"Michael sisters." Stephanie let out a sound of frustration before leaving the room.

I decided that it is best for me to rest then we can discuss what to do later. Maybe I can go out with Michael for a bit and ask about Joel. 

I honestly don't know anymore.

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