It seemed like something acceptable to fight in. I didn't give a shit about my hair or makeup this wasn't a beauty contest, this was battle. So I left it down in tangled curls.

"done, was I fast?" I asked.

"Oh you were super fast, and you look good." he smirked.

"Well you look extremely freaking good as well, so lets look extremely good while we eat some food because I'm hungry and I need breakfast." I replied taking his hand and pulling him out of the room.

When we entered the makeshift cafeteria it was filled with people, and their was a buzz of energy and anticipation; overall excitement you could say.

I grabbed an apple and three granola bars. Harry grabbed some toast. I sat down and ate quietly, I saw a familiar face with dark hair and warm brown eyes, and this time his shirt was button correctly.

"Zayn, how are you this morning?" I greeted.

He leaned on the brick wall behind him taking a hand through his hair, "I'm doing good, how are you guys?"

"Good" Harry replied in a clipped tone

"Yeah, we're okay." I added trying to make up for Harry's cold demeanor.

Zayn didn't seem to care, "I was checking some relaying messages sent to and from the other sector leaders, and they're requesting the Fleet around 10:30. So that means they will be in Head Quarters in a hour and a half starting now. We don't t have a lot of time so you need to get in there quickly. The HQ is three miles away from the capital. There shouldn't be many civilians. Its a big building but the surrounding area isn't very industrial so we can use that to our advantage."

Harry gave a faint smile, "Good, I think we might have a good chance winning this thing."

"Really you think? That's awesome, well Niall's gonna make a small speech and then were gonna head out, make sure you grab a bulletproof vest and some weapons. They'll be handing them at the doors, he's gonna explain this like any second but... stay safe guys, see you around." he said his voice filled with sincerity.

I stood up and gave him a big hug, wrapping my arms around him tightly, "Okay thank you so much, and I'll definitely see you around. Don't go to crazy yeah?"

He laughed, before pushing off the wall, "Oh no, you already know I'm going hard, cya around"

I watched as his figure got lost in the crowd. The room was so loud, I could barely hear myself think, then I watched as Niall, Aria and Nym step on a platform.

Niall looked very serious which was an extreme contrast to the previous times I've seen him. A hush grew over the crowd as they waited for his words.

"Today is the day we gain our freedom back, we've waited for this opportunity and now we have it. I'm so proud and I can feel it, can't you, just a fingertips length away. But we havn'et even started the fight. Its gonna be difficult and you will be pushed to your boundaries, but I can't think of anything sweeter than how freedom taste, our own rules taste. So I need each and everyone of you to stick with me and stay strong." he spoke.

Everyone had their eyes glued on him, he demanded everyone's attention and you couldn't give him anything less, not with the presence and demeanor he had right now.

"Everyone needs to give it there all, we will be navigating to Head Quarters through the subway tunnels, we want to maintain the element of surprise. We have already sectioned you off into waves. When you hear your name called report through those back doors. Grab a vest and you can take 2 weapons of your choice. The ammunition is already been placed in the guns, they might be loaded so please be careful. Okay lets start Wave 1..."

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