Chapter 15: Once Upon a Dream

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Merida pushed away soaking curls as she pressed throught the rain. Her eyes began to sting from hate, and rain, and the tears filled the young princesses. They salt water escaped the blue pools of her eyes and traveled in rivers down her face with the rain. "Dammit!" She screamed, tripping through the thick roots of the forest.

Landing hard against the ground Merida heard her dress rip, and the familiar ache of a gash against her ankle. Pulling it closer to her, Merida saw the red trickle of blood roll down her ankle and leave a track of blood where she'd stepped. She rolled her eyes. Stranding again she tested her balance and found that her leg wasn't broken. That was some good news. Blinking hard again to clear her vision she set her eyes on an overgrown tree, toppled over years before.

Merida limped, her ankle somewhat giving out with any amount of weight, but managed to steadily make her way to the the tree. Propping herself against the old, overturned structure she examined her dress, and laughed. "Hiccup's rubbing off on me." she said to herself. The young princess had almost forgotten helping the lad earlier. "I must've snagged the loose material." The section she'd torn to bandage Hiccup had ripped further up, running the corse of her thigh and revealing her stockings underneath. It would've been embarrassing, if anyone were there to see it.

Kneeling to slide underneath the tree Merida also became aware of a few other scrapes decorating her arms and face. The small cavern created from the tree was dry, and she decided it was better off to stay there. "Tonight," Merida decided "Then I'll have to find my way back tomorrow."

But how would she go back, and face them? After Merida had made a fool herself. She had been to brash, surely. To stand and speak in her families name? To embarrass them so? Then again she was never one for subtlety. That much was sure. Merida rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath. What would her mother think? They had just finished rebuilding their relationship, only for her to destroy it once more.

Distracted by her own thoughts Merida barely noticed as a dragon approached. It's dark scales almost black in the darkness of the night and rain. Large eyes watched the princess curiously. The loud screeched was what alerted her, making the princess's head snap up in attention.

 Her eyes were wide as she examined the beast, her breathing getting heavy. With an unusual caustiousness she slowly extened a hand to the dragon. It leaped at her.

"Easy," Merida cooed to the small creature. "You about gave me a heart attack." The Terrible Terror made a noise like a purr, tilting it's head up at her. "How'd a wee little thing like you find me in a big forest like this?" She asked, smiling for what felt like the first time.

"Just had to keep looking." Came a reply. Merida looked up, trying to see clearly in the darkness. "And a lucky guess." Merida snorted as the viking finally approached her.

"Aye," She retorted. "you're people are pretty good at guessing with fishbones."

"Um, I'm pretty sure they're dragon bone," Hiccup laughed, ducking down to join her in the small space. "But I'll take that as a compliment."

"Of course you will."

"My dad's actually the one that mentioned checking here." Hiccup sighed, leaning again the ground around them.

"I'll make sure to thank him then." Merida smiled, leaning against him absentmindedly. "He seems like a good chief."

"Yeah," Hiccup agreed. He turned slightly to look down at her. "A good chief, good dad, good guy. I'm just hoping to be half what he is when I'm suppose to be cheif."

Merida looked up at him, seeing light reflect in his eyes as if some internal fire burned somewhere within him. "Hiccup," She sighed after a moment. "You already are. Trust me." She looked at her hands.

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