Chapter 8: Three of a Kind

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Berk's dragon training academy pulled away from the rock. The base of the structure clinging like bony hands to the rocks. Hiccup could almost feel Merida's excitement. He didn't look at her, but there was an electricity in the air the moment she laid eyes on it. "What do you think?" He said, finally turning to the princess with a drawn out gesture to the academy. "It used to be for killing dragons, but we've made a few...improvements since then."

"I'm sure." Merida said, her hands on her hips. Although her otherwise serious disposition faltered in her smile, which shone brightly with excitement. "So this is where you've been hiding the dragons then?"

"Not hiding exactly. Just keeping you from wondering into a hoard of them." Hiccup stammered. A little embarrassed that she'd noticed.

"I didn't know our definitions of hiding were so diff rent." Merida teased, cutting around Hiccup and moving towards the academy. She was clearly being courageous, but for how long? "Are you comin' dragon-boy." She called over her shoulder.

It took Hiccup another moment to process what to do. He quickly hurried to catch up to the fiery lass before catching her wrist and tightening his grip to stop her. "Wait Mer," he said, praying to the gods he could use a nickname for her. "There's one more thing before we go in there." He explained, his eyes shooting up to the academy.

"Really? Alright, what would that be then?" Merida quizzed. As she looked up at him her lips began twisting into a pout.

"It's just," Hiccup still didn't want to bring up the past, or reopen scars. "Try to stay calm when you see the dragons. They'll be ok as long as you are, alright?"

"Hiccup please," Merida scoffed pulling away "I'm the picture of calm and collected." Hiccup tried not to laugh after she'd said that. "Besides how bad can they be?"

"Good question," Hiccup side, rubbing the space between his eyes before they continued on. The large iron gate which served as the academy's main entrance were propped and an eerie silence crept from within. Curiously, Hiccup entered first. He looked for any sign of movement. "Hey!" He called out, half expecting a reply. When after another moment there wasn't a reply he turned back to Merida with a shrug.

Taking a step further into the old arena though Hiccup suddenly lost his footing, his feet brought up past his head, he dangled in midair like a fresh goose at the market place. Merida realized Hiccup had been strung up when he let out an exasperated yelp, more out of surprise than fear. Merida's face contorted into a upset, yet unsurprised expression as she turned around the room. "Boys!" She hollered, her voice carrying loudly through the space and somewhere in the distance laughter could be heard. "You wont think it's funny when mum hears about this. Now get down here and fix this mess."

Hiccup smirked then, finally seeing any resemblance between Merida and her mother. He realized that although they were different, both were excellent leaders, at least when it was called upon. Not a moment after Merida's remark of their mom the two were joined by 3 others. Hiccup knew right away they had to be Merida's triplet brothers. He knew little about them, except that they were exactly the sort who would build traps for fun.

One of the boys crossed the space to the contraption which held Hiccup in place. Pulling out a small knife the boy cut through the rope and Hiccup tumbled to the ground, "Well, that was fun." He sighed sarcastically. Getting up from the ground he noticed Merida's small laugh at his remark and found himself smiling. "So." He began, turning to the brothers. "I'm Hiccup."

One of the brothers let out a small snort before Merida knocked him  lightly on the shoulder to quiet them, a most unladylike gesture. "This is Harris, Hubert, and Hamish." She explained, pointing to each boy as she spoke. Each brother looked back at Hiccup for a long moment, allowing him to notice the small differences between them. Hubert -for example- had slightly longer hair than the other two, Harris had substantially less freckles, and Hamish wore iron-toed boots while the other two did not. Hiccup wondering if he could ask about the boots, but Merida spoke up before he could. 

"And who else did you nab before we got here?" The certainty in her voice was almost unnerving. It took another command of "Boys." from Merida before one of the brothers - Hamish, he realized after a moment. - crossed the space once again and opened up a pair of large iron doors.

Upon opening the doors revealed two young adults, although knowing them personally Hiccup thought to use adults lightly. "Ruff, Tuff." Hiccup sighed, once again rubbing his forehead. The twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thortson were known for there... individuality. Both were always eager for a fight, or at least to cause trouble so it wasn't that much of a surprise they were caught by the brothers. "What happened?"

"Those guys started it!" Tuffnut protested, pointing at the Dunbroch brothers. He swung around in a small circle, utterly tangled in the mess of ropes. Hiccup sent a look to Ruffnut, asking for any real information. She couldn't help but laugh at her brother's misfortune, and seemed to ignore Hiccup's look. He knew Ruff well enough that if she didn't want to talk it was just to quiet her brother down.

"Anyone else?" Merida asked as Hamish cut the twins down, both landing head force on the ground. When her brothers shook their head Merida smiled for the first time since Hiccup found himself upside down. Turning back to him he could see what looked like a blush come across her face. "Wee little devils they are." She said laughing. Then he realized something. As well as she'd been hiding Merida was nervous, just like him. They were both just a couple of kids trying to work things out between their people, and that actually helped the situation. He wasn't dealing with an experienced, scarring queen, nor babysitting.

"Why're gonna get you for that, right." Tuffnut shouted, sending the last word to his sister for reassurance. Ruffnut stood up and nodded.

"Oh yeah, it is so on." She cracked her knuckles loudly before sending out a loud whistle. Hiccup knew that particular whistle very well. The twin's Zippleback, a large two headed dragon with dangerous, explosive abilities, would arrive at any moment. He sent another look at Merida, although she didn't seem to pick up on the situation.

"Hey Merida," Hiccup began, gulping back the nervousness that gathered in his throat. "I'd been meaning to talk to you about something."

"Yeah?" Merida asked, turning her bright blue eyes to his direction. "What is it?"

"Dragons." Hiccup sighed, preparing for what was to come.

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