benji needs glasses

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"Hi, Harlow. Hi, baby girl." Will says softly to Harlow.

Will kisses Harlow's cheek and Harlow plays with her small bear stuffed animal.

Will then films Dr. Parker talking with Benji and does another eye exam with him.

Dr. Parker dilates Benji's eyes with the dilation drops and is now letting him sit for a few minutes.

"Daddy, it's really hard to see." Benji says with a frown.

"It's okay, bubba. Dr. Parker had to put those drops in your eyes. Remember? Dr. Parker needs to look behind your eyes to make sure everything is good with your optic nerves." Will says, rubbing Benji's back.

Will is vlogging Benji looking at the many options of glasses! Benji has tried a several pairs of glasses and hasn't found the perfect pair yet!

"Bubba is now looking at glasses! He definitely needs glasses now! He is nearsighted just like his sister! His prescription isn't strong, which is good. Do you see any you like yet, bubba?" Will asks Benji.

"Not yet, Daddy!" Benji says has he looks at himself in the mirror with a pair of square glasses.

"I don't like these. Square glasses are weird looking." Benji says making Will chuckle.

"That's okay! What about these? These are white!" Will says handing Benji the white pair of glasses.

"Those are so cool!" Benji says with a smile.

"And this girl was getting a little fussy! She must be having a growth spurt and wants to eat nonstop again." Will says fixing Harlow's blanket.

Harlow is laying in her car seat in the stroller. She is covered up in a pale pink blanket with deers on it.

Benji happily waves at Harlow and Harlow stares at him.

"Harlow is staring at me weird, Daddy!" Benji says as he giggles loudly.

"She is not used to you wearing glasses, bubba!" Will says giggling and Benji giggles.

"Let me see your brand new glasses, bubba!" Will says as Benji turns around and shows off his glasses to the camera.

Benji then smiles ear to ear, showing off his adult and baby teeth.

*Benji's glasses*

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*Benji's glasses*

"Do you like your new glasses, bubba?" Will asks Benji.

"Yes! I love them! Everything is so much clearer!" Benji says happily.

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