His Bed ; Chapter Eleven

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Warning: Foul language

     You stood there pinned against the door. Your (e/c) eyes met his brown ones. You spoke,
"I...I have to go to the bathroom."
"And how do you plan to do that?" He said. You thought about it. How were you suppose to do that? God you felt dumb, the door is locked and Jeff lives here. You casted your eyes away and shrunk down.
"Fine." He said and let go. He walked to the nightstand and grabbed his mask and slipped over his face. He grabbed a key and walked back over. He intertwined his hand with yours and you tried to pull away but he squeezed it hard, warning you. You gulped and he unlocked the door and walked out. He practically dragged you through the dark hallways and stopped in front of a door making you bump into his back. He didn't care, or at least you thought so. He knocked on the door and waited a few seconds and then opened the door. It was clear. He walked in. It was surprisingly clean. Hoodie let go of your hand and shut the door and locked it, it made you nervous. You looked around dumbfounded, he leaned against the door.
"Well?" He stated. You then felt your bladder scream at you and jogged to the toilet and then stopped after opening the lid. You looked at him. He stood there unmoving.
"Hurry up. I'm tired."
"Turn around." You demanded.
He sighed and turned around and rested his forehead on the door. You slowly pulled your pants down and sat down and let it all out. Your face was completely red and you began to sweat from embarrassment. You grabbed some toilet paper and wiped and got up pulling your pants up. You flushed and shut the lid. You walked to the sink and reached for the soap, in your time of nervousness you accidentally dropped it and it fell on the floor. Hoodie whipped around to see what had happened. You bent down and picked it up and placed it back on the sink after getting soap on your hands. You turned on the water and scrubbed them together. Once you were done you wiped your hands on a hand towel. You looked up at Hoodie and slowly walked towards him. He reached out and gently held your hand.
It felt disgusting.
Holding hands with a murderer.
He escorted you out of the bathroom and walked back down the hallways and made it back to his room. He opened the door, he must have left it unlocked, and shut it behind the both of you. You heard the click again. He locked it. You frowned and walked towards the bed. Something felt wrong, you felt uneasy. You felt butterflies in your stomach, not the ones you get when you talk to your crush or kiss for the first time, but the ones that fill you with fear. You stood still in the middle of the room. You were frozen. You were too scared to call out Hoodie's name. What if he kills you? Is he planning to attack you? Why is he silent? Is he even here? You were about to say something until you heard a chuckle.
It wasn't his chuckle.
"What a pretty girl you have here Hoodie..." a voice said. Where is it coming from?
"Get out of my room."
"She's so well behaved, either that or she is scared. Standing still like that."
"Why are you even here L.J."
L.J., that's a new one. You should remember that. You squeaked when you felt a finger twist your (h/c) hair. His finger was gone in an instant. Hoodie was behind you, standing tall. You could feel the anger radiating off of him.
"Don't touch her."
"So possessive." The man taunted.
That's when you saw a figure appear before your eyes. That first thing you noticed was his height. He was almost touching the ceiling. You looked up in fear. He had small black irises, a pointy nose with black rings around it, his skin was white and he had black lipstick which extended his lips. He had shaggy black hair. His wore a long sleeved black and white shirt with a fluffy scarf looking thing. He had suspenders connected to black pants, his socks were black and white with stripes. He had some clown looking shoes. You looked back up and looked at his hands. He didn't just have finger nails, no he had claws.
"Checking me out sweetie?" He cooed. You watched as he pulled out a lollipop and offered it to you. "Here take this."
You didn't want to take it, not at all.
Hoodie slapped it out of L.J.'s hand and it fell to the floor.
"Get out." Hoodie snapped. L.J. sighed and picked up the lollipop and faced you. He brought a hand up and poked your nose causing Hoodie to growl and you to flinch.
"Hopefully we meet again sweetie" he said smiling and then disappeared. He vanished just like that. Your legs felt weak. Hoodie pushed your lower back.
"Get in bed."
You obeyed and walked to the bed thanking your legs for not giving out. You slowly got in and covered yourself with the blankets curling into a ball. He took off his mask and set it down on the nightstand. He lied down next to you, you couldn't see if he was looking at you or something else since your back was to him. You took a deep breath. You were still scared. He shifted and rested his head on the same pillow you were using. You squeezed your eyes shut. You needed to get out of here. You felt your skin under your shirt burn once he slipped his hands up to hold your waist. You really needed to get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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