Rumors ; Chapter Six

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Contains foul language and mentions of rape! Be warned.

           Once you were ready you grabbed your bag, which contained your laptop and books. You grabbed your keys and headed to the door. You knew things were going to be wild at school since that  night occured. You slipped your phone in your pocket and took one last look around. Nobody. You stepped out into the hallway and shut the door locking it behind you. You placed a hand on the cloth on your neck, you had to wear a scarf knowing people would ask about the bruise. Walking down the steps you took your time. You inspected everything around you becoming more aware. All the tiny dents in the walls, the way the stars dipped unevenly, how the lights were dull, the sound of your own feet making the floor creek under you. You made it downstairs and walked out the door. Walking out the wind hit you in the face causing you to squint your eyes. Fixing your hair, you walked down the sidewalk looking in all directions as you clutched your bag. Hopefully he isn't anywhere near me, you thought to yourself. Your palms were sweaty and while walking and looking around you bumped into somebody. You staggered and fell back protecting yourself. 
"Oi, watch where you're going" a rough voice reaching your ears. You snapped your head up to see a man, he didn't look much older than you. You scrambled up and whispered a quick sorry and jogged off and turned to look behind you to see the man looking back at you. Your eyes widened and he smiled and walked off. Your pace had slowed as you stood there shocked. Who is he? Why did he smile? Was he stalk- Hoodie? No his voice sounds different.  You quickly made your way across the street and continued to speed walk to your school. The hairs on the back of your neck were standing and you still felt the adrenaline that kicked in when that man stared back at you. Today was going to be a long day.

     "(F/n)!" You whipped around to look down the hallway and you were then held in two strong, gentle arms. "How have you been? Are you doing okay?" You couldn't help but smile.
"I'm getting better, how are you Lucas?"
"Good, just worried about you, I'm sorry that I made you stay with Spencer. If I knew you didn't have feelings for him I wouldn't have let you go over there. He is in the hospital you know... Geez (F/n) you can be scary huh?" Your friend smiled, but not with happiness. More like curiosity and pity.
"Wait what? Why am I scary?"
"Oh -- well uh Lisa told me that Spencer tried confessing to you and you got drunk and kept yelling at him. I mean I support you for not going and being with him and all! But you need to give him a chance... He's not that bad (F/n)." 
Not that bad? Not that bad?! How did Lisa find this out who told her? Did Spencer lie to save his ass? You grabbed your friend's arm and rushed him to the side with you from other's ears.
"(F/n)? (F/n) listen we are be-"
"Lucas please let me explain."
He shut up.

A few moments of silence went pass and you decided to tell him. "Spencer tried to ..." You felt the tears begin to fall from your face, from the memories. "Rape... me..." Lucas looked at you confused. "How did he get those bruises then (F/n)?" He didn't believe you.
He didn't believe you.
"My stalker remember? H-he was watching he is always watching me!" You began to tremble and Lucas looked at you worriedly. You continued, "And who is Lisa?! What does she have to do with this? I shouldn't have trusted Spencer cause he probably told all his whores." You bit your lip. You looked at your friend. He had a look of worry on his face until it turned slightly disgusted.
"Lisa is not a whore."
"How do you know that Lucas?"
"Cause she's my girlfriend!"
You paused, all your worries and troubles washed away hearing that.
"Lucas... I didn't know, I didn't mean it."
"I know, I'm sorry for yelling, just lets get to class okay?" You nodded. Your heard felt like it was being squeezed and your dabbed your wet eyes with your scarf and walked to class with Lucas.
You probably seemed like a bitch for calling his girlfriend a whore. Hoodie's words from two nights ago whispered in your ears:
"-- ever since I saw your 'friend' Lucas run out of the house not even looking for you as you risked your life trying to find him!"
  You dropped it. No reason to start anything after you offened him. 
Whispers flowed into your ears
"She was at the party..."
"Omg really? I thought she was dead."
"No no she like totally ditched Spencer."
"No guys, I heard she tried to rape him."
"I heard that she got in a fist fight with him."
"She's not even that strong how could she?"
"Maybe she had someone do it for her?"
"Nah, all college students are broke."
They laughed.
You needed to get out, your head started to hurt and you ran over to the closest trashcan and puked. You wished this would have never happened.


            You've managed to exit the school in one piece after giving up and going home. You shook under your jacket and slowly made your way back to your appartment. Walking through the door you rushed to the stairs and bolted to your room. Getting out your keys you almost inserted them into the lock when you heard something drop inside your apartment. It was silent. Maybe it was your cabinet opening? It's lose so it often does that. You slowly unlocked the door and walked in. Looking around and not seeing anything out of place you slowly shut the door with your heel focusing on the kitchen.
"Boo." A voice popped into your ear. You screamed and whipped around pulling out your pepper spray.
"Aww pepper spray... that's cute." Another voice said. You snapped your eyes to the left to see a guy fidgeting. You were too shocked to move. 
"Did we scare you?" The voice was muffled but in your ear. You quickly ducked out of the way and ran towards the small kitchen. You pulled open the drawer almost bringing it out and grabbed a steak knife... at least it's better than a butter knife. You studied them. One was in a white mask with drawn on lips and eyebrows, the sockets of the mask were covered with some black fabic. He wore a simple tan jacket and his hair was short and brown. The other, on the left, kept fidgeting. He wore a jacket with stripes on it and a mouth guard. The thing that really caught your attention was his orange goggles and two hatches on his hips. 
"You're from the party..." you whispered.
"That's right sweetheart, now I don't see what Hoodie sees in you. How about you show us?" 
Show them?

Obsessed! Hoodie x Reader - Alive (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora