His Room ; Chapter Ten

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       A/N: Sorry for the long wait!
Warning: Cruel language
     You tried to scream for help and you flailed in his grip. All of a sudden a white cloth was shoved into your face. "I'm sorry, but if you won't cooperate I'll have to take action." Your nose and mouth was covered by the cloth and a certain smell filled your nostrils. It was getting hard to keep your eyes open and to keep your body moving. You went limp and whispered before you fell into a deep sleep.
"F-fuck you."

You woke up. You felt groggy and out of it, your limbs were limp. It took forever for you to open your eyes. Your head hurt, probably a hangover, and your throat was sore. Your arm was still bruised. You looked down your shirt to see the cut wrapped. You looked up and saw a grey ceiling that had a few cracks in it. Your turned your head to the side and saw a nightstand and a lamp.
Where are you? Red lights were flashing in your head, you were in danger. You quickly sat up and felt dizzy. You felt adrenaline course through your veins as you looked around taking everything in at once. A wooden dresser. A desk. A bookcase. This wasn't your room.
This wasn't your room.
You flung out of the bed and ran to the door and twisted the knob. It's locked. You kept at it and kicked it a few times. Shit. You ran to the other side of the room and looked at the window. You were a couple stories up, you won't be able to go from there. You looked down at yourself to see you were in a simple t-shirt and some sweatpants. They smelt like him.
You hated him.
You ran back at the door and pushed yourself against it. No use. You jogged to the nightstand and dug through the drawers. Knifes, notebooks, keys.
You picked them up and ran back to the door and shoved a key in. Didn't work. You shoved another. That didn't work either. You shoved every key in until you made it to the last one. You prayed to any power up there that it worked. You shoved into the key hole and twisted it.
It worked! You opened the door and ran out of the room and looked around. It was a dark hallway. You looked around and decided to go right. You ran around until you found the staircase, skipping steps and almost tripping. Your head still hurt but the adrenaline was suppressing it. You looked around finally making it to the bottom and ran straight. You passed a doorway to what seemed like a kitchen and then you saw two large double doors. You're almost out! You could go home and relax and feel safe, maybe even go to the police!
No, you will go to the police!
You were almost there, that's until a large hand seized your wrist and pulled you back. It was crushing it and you let out a scream. "Hi again doll face." A raspy voice cooed in your ear.
You squired and kicked and flung around. He had your arms crossed in front of to holding them there. He laughed and you threw your head back making it slam into his. He grunted and his grip loosened. You pushed yourself out and ran at the door again but ran into a wall. No, not a wall.
It was Hoodie. He wrapped his arms around you and kept you tight against his chest. You felt like you couldn't breathe.
"What the actual fuck were you thinking." He snapped.
"Hm? I just wanted to see her agai-" Jeff started but was cut off by Hoodie, or rather Brian.
"I was talking to (F/n)"
Fear filled you as alarms rang in your head. You started shaking and you felt weak. You shook around trying to leave his grasp.
"Let me go!" You screamed.
"Yeah, hand her over to me. I'll take care of her." Jeff smirked. You knew Jeff wouldn't take care of you. He'd kill you. Hoodie still held on even though you were struggling and kicking. You brought your knee up to hit him where the sun doesn't shine but you stopped once he talked.
"I dare you to even try." You gulped and slowly put your knee down. He bent down and grabbed your thighs and threw you over his shoulder. You pounded his back with your fist.
"Let me go! Let me go!" You screamed but he was unfazed. He walked up the stairs as you hit him harder he pushed open his door.
Oh no.
He slammed it shut with the back of his foot and threw you against the wall, pinning you there. You had the wind knocked out of you.
"Do you want to die?"
You couldn't answer. It hurt too much.
"I hope you realize you can only be safe with me. So I suggest you stay here." He said coldly. You squirmed under him. You knew he was glaring down at you. You watched as his figure changed, he relaxed and brought you into his arms gently and buried his face in your neck. You were too scared to move. Tears were streaming down your face. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to hurt you; Jeff was there so I had to be strict with you. Don't leave this room ever again unless I am with you." He lifted his head and placed a cold hand on your cheek making you flitch. He ignored it and wiped the tears off your face and lifted his mask to kiss your forehead.
"Go ahead and sit down on the bed." He whispered and slowly let go. Your wrist were bruised, you were sure of it. He pulled his mask back down and grabbed a key out of his pocket and locked the door. There goes your chance. It broke your heart to hear that click, knowing you wouldn't get another chance. He stalked over to the bed; you were scared of what he might do. You let out a whimper, he ignored it and sat next to you. "You should lay down, your head must hurt." You didn't. You stayed still. You didn't want to take orders from a psychopath nor did you want to let your guard down. You sat there and waited he reached out and was about to touch your arm but you backed away. You watched him closely but you couldn't figure anything out. What the hell is with this guy? You spoke.
"Don't touch me." You said slowly glaring at him. The adrenaline had worn off and you were left with a bad headache and some bruises.
"I'll get you some pain medicine." He said simply standing up and walked towards the door but stopped as he grabbed the handle. He turned his head to the side. "I would recommend staying in here and not trying to escape. You're not stupid (F/n)." He unlocked it and stepped out and shut it behind him. It was yet again locked. You sat there and rested your elbows on your knees and buried your face in your hands. What do you do? What could you do? Then you remembered. The knifes. You sprung up and hurried to the nightstand and practically ripped open the drawer. You grabbed the sharpest one you could find.
You heard the key enter the lock. You shut the drawer and hid the knife under the pillow. You quickly lied down and turned your back to the door. You heard it open and close. You closed your eyes tight.
"(F/n)?" He said softly as he closed the door and locked it. He walked over and you heard him set a glass down, most likely water. He shook your shoulder, you weren't expecting that so you flinched and sat up quickly. He held out two pills. Could you trust him? You look at him trying to read him.
"If I wanted to kill you I would've done it a long time ago." He said.
You took the two pills and he handed you a glass of water. Once you were sure it was safe you gulped down the pills. You handed back the water and glared at the man. He stood there with his hands in his pockets, watching. You slowly laid down watching him. You turned to your side having your back face him and curled up with your head resting against the pillow the knife is under.
"Tired?" He suddenly spoke.
"I just don't want to look at you."
"(F/n)..." he whispered. Fuck him! Fuck all of this! You sprang up and grabbed the knife flinging yourself at him. Before you could even come face to face with him he pinned you down throwing the knife across the room. His grip was unforgiving as his nails dug into your arms and his weight on your stomach. You let out a few curses.
"What. The. Fuck." He growled as he lowered his head by your ear. "Were you thinking?" You gulped. Your heart was racing and you shook under him. You started to cry. You hated crying, you were sick of it. "Answer me!" He yelled bringing his head up to stare down at you. You were pretty sure he was glaring, even if you can't see his face.
"I-I..." you began.
"You what? Huh (F/n)? You should never ever think about doing that! I am your only protector, you wouldn't last 2 seconds out there! You're lucky I was there." He hissed out. You felt blood trickle down your arm. His nails had dug deep. You winced and he turned his head to see it. He let go of both of your arms and you squirmed and he quickly grabbed the arm that was bleeding and lifted his mask above his mouth and kissed the wound he gave you. He licked it and sucked gently. You were trying to pull away but he didn't let you. He wiped it off with his hoody sleeve and got off of you. You pulled away quickly and held your knees to your chest.
"Don't do it again." He said and sat in front of you. He slid his hand down your cheek wiping the tears. He sighed and looked down.
"I think I'm ready to show you..."
You frowned and creased your brows. What is he going to show you? Oh no. It can't be that, can it? Please no. You hugged yourself tighter. He began to slide off his mask. His mask... he's going to show you his face. What if he is some monster! You quickly covered your eyes and turned away. You heard cloth being removed and then he spoke, it was clear.
"(F/n)... you can look at me." He whispered. You were afraid, but curious. You slowly lifted your head and uncovered your eyes slowly. You let out a small gasp and he looked away. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He had straight teeth and long eyelashes. His eyebrows were dark but clean. His jaw was sharp. You looked at him in shock. Then saw his ears were red. He is a completely different person under his mask. If he wasn't a psychopath and a killer you would think he was handsome. But he is. He shifted his eyes back to you and stared at you. He tilted his head to read your reaction. You didn't notice it before, but he had freckles that dusted his nose and cheekbones.
"So?" He said.
You quickly came out of your shock and put on a blank face. You turned around and laid back down. You heard him sigh. He pulled the covers over you and walked over and shut off the light. You flicked your eyes open to look out the window, it was dark.
Were you really sleeping in his bed. You turned your head to see him standing in front of his dresser. He took off his hoody and his shirt. His back was facing you. It's toned, he had freckles on his shoulders. He turned his head and met eyes with you. You quickly looked away and took all the blankets. Fuck him. You were in too much pain to even do anything. If you even tried to touch the door he'd probably lock you up in a cage. He had made that clear. You heard him chuckle and he slipped on a night shirt and then you heard a belt being unbuckled. Your eyes widened and you sneaked a look to see if he was going to do anything. You watched as he pulled pajama pants over his boxers. You quickly looked away thanking the heavens. You're happy moment died when you felt the bed dip. He laid down on his side and started to snake his arms around your waist. You smacked his hand.
"Do-don't touch me!"
He looked at you with no emotion. It scared you to death. He grabbed your chin and moved his head closer to yours.
"What did I say about disobeying me?" He whispered. You closed your mouth and looked away. "Good girl." He smiled and you turned your head back to the front as you looked out the window. His arms wrapped around your waist and he spooned you. He kissed the back of your neck and buried his face in between your shoulder blades.
You couldn't sleep. You had assumed he feel asleep after awhile. You had been counting the minutes that have gone by, you stopped at 30 and stared out the window. You needed to get out of here. You finally realized; you have to pee. Your bladder was screaming at you and you slowly peeled away from Hoodie's grasp slowly and stopped whenever he moved. After about 5 minutes you had made it out of the bed, you tiptoed to the door and made sure not to make any noise. You looked back at the bed.
It was empty.
Oh no. You were suddenly pinned to the door, you gasped.
"What do you think you are doing?" He growled.

Obsessed! Hoodie x Reader - Alive (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz