Fear ; Chapter Four

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You looked around Spencer's apartment, that's until you felt you wrist being grabbed and you let out a pained gasp. "That hurts!" you said and looked at the male. His eyes held something, wonder? Yeah. "What happened? Your other wrist is bruised too." He said as he gently grabbed your hand instead of your wrist. "Can I get some ice first?" The man who saved you said put ice on it, how did he know they were bruised? He nodded and you slipped off your shoes and walked over to the small couch. He walked over with two zip lock bags with ice in them. He placed a cloth over both of them and sat down. He rested them on your wrist. "So?" He looked at you. You let out a sigh. "Well it's a long story. I got on the elevator," he nodded "Then a man joined me, he was going to the 9th floor. He asked me some questions regarding my age, then he said 'So you're overage?' I knew what he was talking about, but I didn't want to believe it." Spencer growled "What did he look like?" He stood up and clenched his fist. "Sit down and let me finish." He sighed and sat back down. "He asked me to accompany him and I said no of course, he trapped me between the wall and himself. And then on about the 7th floor, a hooded man walked in. He called the man trapping me disgusting." You rubbed your wrist gently. "While he was distracted I tried to escape but he pinned me to the wall, which is why my wrist are bruised. The hooded man pulled him off of me and he slammed him down on to the floor." You took a deep breath and put your face in your hands rubbing your eyes. You then set them back onto your lap. "He started kicking him in the stomach. Once I reached your floor I rushed out, the male told me to put ice on my wrist. He seemed pretty pissed that the man was trying to get into my fucking pants." Spencer let of a frustrated sigh. "Thanks for letting me stay here Spencer." He raised an eyebrow and smiled. "No problem babe."

"Don't call me that."





"Lover ?"

"Never." You stood up and stretched. You grabbed the bags of the now melting ice, and walked to his freezer laying them inside of it. You shut the freezer door. "So, what did he look like?" Spencer walked by you and leaned against the counter. "He was about middle aged, maybe in his late thirties? He was most likely a business man. He had a beard and an undercut. He was quite tall." He nodded. "What about the hooded man?" You thought about it. "He was wearing a dark grey hoody, he had the hood up. He was also tall, but lean and built unlike the other man. I couldn't see his face do to the hood. He also had a gruff voice." Spencer crossed his arms. "I think I saw the business man but I don't recall seeing the other male, how old do you think he could be?" You rubbed the back of your neck. How old was he? He seemed about late teen or early twenties. "I think in his early twenties?" You said questioning yourself more than him. He nodded. "Go ahead and unpack, you can sleep on the couch since it folds out into a bed and plus I don't have an extra room." He then smirked and looked at you. "Or you can sleep with me of course." You rolled your eyes and laughed, you felt more at ease. "I prefer the couch thank you." You walked by the door and picked up your suit case and brought it to the living room and unzipped it grabbing your phone charger. You soon found a plugin and plugged your phone in. "I'll order pizza." Spencer said as he picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Sure, I'd like (f/p) pizza." He nodded and started ordering the pizza with a couple of wings. Once he was done on the phone he slid the glass coffee tabled aside and started taking the couch cushions off. He then unfolded the couch to form a bed. "I'll grab some blankets. If you want you can take a shower since it's getting late, unless you shower in the morning." You nodded as he walked to the other room to grab some blankets. You unzipped your suitcase once again and grabbed a plain t-shirt and pajama pants along with some underwear. You decided you'd put your bra back on after your shower since Spencer is a creep. You tucked your underwear between your shirt and pajama pants. Spencer walked back out and threw the blankets onto the bed without making it of course. "Where's your towels?" He looked towards you. "Bathroom closet, hope you don't mind using male shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Pizza will be here in about 25 minutes." You nodded and walked towards the bathroom. You shut and locked the door. It wasn't small, but it wasn't big either. It was a bath/shower. You looked at the white shower curtains and you saw the wooden closet door. You opened it and grabbed a blue towel and a matching washrag. You hung the towel over the shower rod and set the washrag on the edge of the tub. You turned it on and set the water temperature where you liked it. You stripped off your clothes and stepped in shutting the curtains. You let the water make it's way into your hair and flow down your (s/c) body. You rubbed your eyes and located the shampoo. You opened it and the masculine smell hit you and you poured some in your hand and shut the cap setting it back. You massaged it into your scalp and your (h/c) hair. You rinsed it out and continued on with the matching conditioner. You let it sit and grabbed the wash rag and grabbed the washrag and wet it down and pumped the body wash onto it and you smelt the familiar smell of Spencer. You quickly cleaned your body and rinsed off your body and hair. You shut off the water and squeezed your locks of hair trying to get most of the water out. You grabbed the towel and dried your hair and body. You slid your underwear and pants up. You grabbed your bra from the floor and put it on and the plain t-shirt. You picked up your dirty clothes and walked out to the living room. You set the clothes in your suitcase and put down the lid but didn't zip it up since you knew you'd have to keep opening it. Spencer was on the couch/bed watching T.V. There was a knock on the door. "Can you get that? My wallet is in my coat pocket on the coat rack. You nodded and jogged over and found his wallet and opened the door. A teen smiled and he was holding two pizza boxes and a bag, most likely the wings. "That would be $40.75 and your number." He said and smirked. You laughed trying to be polite. You soon saw an arm lean against the door frame and the kid gulped. "She's taken." Spencer said in a deep voice. "Don't mind him haha." You elbowed Spencer in the stomach and grabbed the money from his wallet and left a tip. "Thank you for the pizza." You said and smiled. The teen then grabbed a pen from his back pocket and grabbed the customers receipt and scribbled something on it and placed it on top of the boxes and handed the pizza to you. "Have a great night." He said and quickly rushed out and you shut the door. Spencer was glaring at you. "At least you missed my wound." Dammit you keep forgetting about that. "Sorry." You walked into the kitchen and set the boxes and bag down and grabbed the receipt. You then saw a combination of numbers, the kids number. "Aww he left you his number." You set it aside rolling your eyes and opened the boxes and saw in one box your favorite pizza and in the other box most likely his favorite pizza. You then opened the bag and grabbed the plastic bowl with a lid and took it out. The wings. Spencer opened a cabinet and took two glass plates out. He handed you one and you grabbed two pizzas and you opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water since thats all he had. He grabbed three pieces and all of the wings and you followed him into the living room where he climbed into the blanket and sat up against a pillow and he looked at you and patted the seat next to him. You walked over and reluctedly sat down against a pillow. He then channeled surfed as you both ate your pieces of pizza. You took a drink of water. He then decided on a comety show. You were surprized to see he actually didn't eat like a pig. You finished your pizza and got up and walked to the kitchen and rinsed off your plate and he soon came in about 30 seconds later. You both then set the plates in the sink not bothering to wash them. "Okay babe, I'm going the fuck to bed." He then looked at his phone. "It's 11:39 p.m." You nodded, time seemed to go fast. "Do I get a kiss goodnight?" He said smirking. "You wish." You pushed past him and walked to the couch and laid down under the covers. "That's just cruel. Goodnight." He shut off the lights but left the T.V. on for you and walked to his room stripping his shirt off in the process and you saw his built back until he shut his door behind him. You turned the volume down on the T.V and laid your head on the pillow and set your phone on the endtable. You yawned and closed your eyes.

You suddenly woke up and propped yourself up on your elbows and grabbed your phone. You quickly turned your brightness down and let your eyes adjust. You look at the time to see it read 3:09 a.m. You groaned and set it back down. That's when it dinged and you sat up and grabbed it. You unlocked it and saw you had a new message. Who would contact you this late dammit? That's when you saw it, "Unknown." You covered your mouth with your hand and closed your eyes. Why won't he leave you alone? You tried your best to swallow down the lump in your throat but it didn't work. Your hands shook and you read the message.


"Why are you staying with him of all people? Why didn't you stay home?"

      You licked your lips. How the fuck did he find you? Dammit you have to wake up Spencer. You unplugged your phone and jumped out of the bed and looked around feeling as if something could pop out any moment. Your phone dinged.


"What are you doing?"

 No, impossible. How did he know? You ran towards Spencer's room and opened the door causing it to slam against the wall. "Spencer!" You then saw him jump out the bed and he quickly turned on the lamp by his bed. "What the fuck (F/n)? Don't fucking do that." He raked his  fingers through his hair. "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" He raised an eyebrow and grabbed his pajama pants off the floor, you didn't realize he was only in boxers. "He's... he's here." You whispered and Spencer walked over. "What? Who?" 

"The man who broke into my house... he's here and he texted me and oh god." You covered your face and let silent tears of fear slide down your cheeks. Spencer moved your hands and looked at you. "Show me the messages." You nodded and handed him your phone after unlocking it. You watched as his teeth clenched and he handed your phone back and walked out of his room. "Spencer! What are you doing, he could be-" You stopped seeing him open a closet grabbing a metal baseball bat. He walked away and you quickly walked behind him staying close. He flicked on the lights and you both looked around. You let your eyes adjust and you both looked around, he began opening closet doors and checking in the shower but he didn't find anything. "It's clear." He turned around to look at you. "Are you sure someone isn't pranking you? It could be Lucas behind a different phone number?" You shook your head no. You got a good look at Spencer this time. You saw the scar on his stomach and you winced seeing it. He rubbed the back of his head and put the bat away. Your phone went off. He walked over and you opened it.


"You forgot something at home love. Look on your bed." 

You gulped and you and Spencer walked into the living room, and there on the cream colored sheets, laid a dark grey t-shirt. The one the man gave you.

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