Chapter 6 Kindness Can Kill

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Woo! Been a while, hasn't it? Well, I haven't died. As much as some of you may have thought. I feel like this chapter sort of comes out of nowhere with no transition... But who cares?! I thought it was too good to cut out. Besides. IT'S AN X-READER. Shadow can't be mean forever. Besides... He's gotta have a motive, riiiiiight~? :> Enjoy!!

You had to wake up... to see who was next to you.

The alarming realization that you weren't alone jolted you awake. You were still used to being alone. This was quite a change. Especially for Shadow. Who was the person next to you. Who was also asleep.

"Huh?" you inquired as you stared at him. He was sleeping soundly. Something you had never seen him do. Your inquiring glanced turned into curiosity.

He looks... so cute!

Your gaze drifted from his placid expression to his fur. All you wanted to do was touch his chestfur. For the longest of evers, you wanted to know just how fluffy it was. You knew you probably wouldn't ever get another opportunity like this again. Of course, you also didn't want to make him mad if you woke him up from his sleep. Almost uncontrollably, you snuck another glance at his chestfur.

I'm sure he let Maria!! Why not me??

At first, you scolded yourself for thinking something like that. Of course he'd let Maria! He was supposed to save her! Not you! But..., the longer you thought about it...

I'm sure he'd forgive me if I felt it just a little...

Gingerly, you reached forward. This was Shadow. The Ultimate Life Form. And you were trying to pet his chestfur. You were this close! There was no turning back at the point you were at. Even if you could turn back, you most certainly would not. It was all too tempting. All too inviting. All too...

You found your hand brushing against his chest. Nothing could possibly rival the feeling... So fluffy... The gentle rise and fall as he breathed. His slow, steady heartbeat... It was hard not to get too drawn in to such a feeling.

He's been keeping this all to himself? How mean!

A minute or two went by of just you stroking and running your fingers through his chestfur. You determined that Shadow was a heavy sleeper. However, that wasn't the case. At all.

"So then, are you enjoying yourself?"

Blushing madly from being caught and from surprise, you jumped and got away from Shadow. It wasn't like you weren't expecting it, but you let your guard down when he didn't appear to be waking up at all. There was a moment of awkward silence.

Shadow sat up from the ground and gave himself a moment to wake up. Him being the Ultimate Life Form, you never expected for him to actually take his time to wake up. It seemed unnatural for him to do something natural. The more you thought about it, the less sense your mind made. Then you wondered why at all you were confused in the first place! Just because you had never seen him sleep didn't mean he didn't.

"Why did you do what you did, if I may ask?"

You looked down at the grass wondering what to say to him. What was the truth of the situation? You thought he looked cute in his sleep and wanted to pet his chestfur. That was it. You weren't going to tell him all that, but you were not about to lie either.

"I just wanted to...," you answered.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it is so!" you said as if you were offended that he would ask such a thing. Doubt did not establish a solid relationship! Of course, you knew he wasn't actually doubting you.

Supposed To Be Me (Shadow x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon