"W-woah.... nice catches you two!" Minute shouts from around the corner, in his tent. I smile as I move from the log to minute, latch still following me.

"What are you doing? I ask curiously, stepping into his tent.. well our tent.

"Mmm just nothing... looking at the schedule for today." Minute replies. I stare at him for a second when latch asks, 'so who is on what'. Minute looked a bit harder at the paper before saying that latch has to watch over camp with spider and phone. Spider has to get some rest though so be careful.'

Latch gave him a look before walking out of the tent to tell the others of the information he had just gotten.

"What about me-" I start but minute cuts me off mid sentence.

"You and I are going to be scouting the area and give a report back if...." he stopped to read the paper once again. "If we find anything inhuman.." I stared at him for a second, slight chills going down my spine. I was scared but I wanted to face this thing... I just feel like I want to vomit and go home...

"Want to get started?" Minute asks. I honestly can't think straight, it was all starting to get to me and I just didn't know how to act, it was like I was choking in my mind.

"Sure." Words I didn't want to say came out. Was I really the person for this?!?! I sigh as I walk realizing minute had also started. I manage to ask, 'do we split ways to cover more ground?' Minute responds to this with a simple nod and I obey orders from him.

Step after step I go, careful not to make a sound. With every step I took, a tingle ran down my back. It was like cold pins stabbed me everywhere. I step over another tree and another.

Nothing seems to be out of sort. Well nothing I can see. Another shiver came running down. I sigh thinking i'm just cold and walk it off.

As I walk freely around I look up at the trees and the forest. No buildings or anything just trees. I give myself a sly smile as I think about everything good at home.

The smile stopped as I thought about home. I wasn't sure if I miss it or not. Here i'm free with a gun! Well not free but with a mission.

I looked around as the colours started to drain and darken. it was getting to the afternoon, I start head back to give my report and greet everyone.

Once I have the camp insight I give a low sigh, I have been walking almost all day! My legs had started to give up, but I pushed on nearing the camp.

As I saw my Squad all together, they gave a small shout towards me. I smiled and waved as I continued to walked along. Soon coming face to face with them I sat down on the logs they were seated on. it would seem that I had arrived late to the party or little meetup.

"You see anything out there sparrow?" latch asked, bring the conversation to me suddenly. I looked up at him replying with, 'Nothing out of the blue.' and with that, the conversation went on without me. I wasn't in the talking mood, I just couldn't get myself to do it. it was like this forest had something so wrong in it, something that made me feel awful. I wanted to get this long mission done and over with.

I couldn't help but growl at myself at the thought of giving up on this mission, the others depended on me being here, I couldn't just leave them. I was too far in for that to be an option. I sigh as I start to pay attention to the conversation that is happening around me, hoping no one had taken notice of the small sigh.

"so your brother is, no offence, a bitch?" phone asked, staring at latch. Latch gave a small nod and looked away, to the side. I gave him a stare, thinking things at home weren't good for him. "what about you, phone?" latch asks, returning the conversation to him.

phone gives it a thought before saying his story. "well there isn't really much to me then you think, I had a family of three. parents and me, they were the ones that suggested for me to join the army a while back. now that I think about it they did it suddenly... I didn't really have a choice in my life so I ended up here..." phone gives a sly smile at me as the others look at him.

"well since everyone is saying their story, may I explain mine?" he asks everyone and I nod giving him the queue to go on. "i actually don't know my parents for I frankly lived on the street at the age of 18 after my grandparents forced me out. I saw the army as my best option so now i'm here with you guys." Minute finished with a smile like phone. everyone had their own horrible life and frankly as did I.

I didn't feel as if it would be in my best interests to show that story, I guess neither did spider because we both shrugged off the thought of telling everyone.  I sigh as these thoughts take over the night. I looked forward to some sleep, but all that turned around when I found out I was on night watch with phone because he had slacked off. I laughed a little bit at his misfortune as he gave me the look of don't even get started. 

and with that the night of a long day had started, silent like a forest should never be. This sent chills through out my spin. 

Day one:

Nothing is around, maybe small life stock, but nothing at large. 

I wish to get out of here as fast as I can. something about this... forest.... isn't as it seems.

I have a feeling in my neck and it inches, I don't know why but it is bugging  me. making me

 feel as if someone is tickling but when I look around I see nothing in sight. 


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