It's currently 9:54 and I'm dying.

Brinkley P.O.V.

I finally decided that I was going to go meet him at the Eiffel Tower.

Mostly so I could just chew him out and make him tell me how he figured it out...

But I was still going to go.

Gabby P.O.V.

At about 9:30 I received a text on my phone.

It was on the group chat with Brinkley, Emma, and I.

This wasn't unusual because we text 24/7.

But this text was interesting.


Wait what?

How would Hornet know?

That's not even possible.


Emma: Umm.. I have no idea!

Hornet P.O.V.

It's officially 10.

She'd be coming at anytime.

My stomach did flip flops as I saw a faint baby blue figure leaping from building to building.

And so it begins.

She landed next to me with a thud.

I took a deep breath and struggled to lift my eyes to meet hers.

Gosh she looked so pretty when the moon reflects off her eyes.

Before I could even speak she started chewing me out.

"How did you know?! Well? Answer me! I've been worrying about this all day!"

"If you would give me a chance to answer I would!"

"Fine. Speak!"

"Before I say anything, promise me we won't end up like Chaton and Chein."

"Fine whatever."

"I know your identity Brinkley."


"I also know about Emma's and Gabby's."

"Wait what?"

"I found out before we fought Gabby."

"And you didn't tell any of us?!"

"I told Emma..." I said starting to shift uncomfortably.

"But not me?"

"I'm telling you know."

"Why did you put it off?"

I sighed.

I was really hoping she didn't ask this question.

"Because I made a promise with myself..."

"And this was?"

"If I told you, then I wanted to tell you how I feel."

Brinkley P.O.V.

How he felt?

Oh no...

This is going to get cringy...
"Brinkley, I really like you. I like everything about you."

There was a long pause.


"Why me?"

That's all I could manage to get out.

"Why you? Because I've seen a side of you that some people don't see.

You act tough and brave, but I know that there really is a soft person under that mask.

A sweet, sensitive, beautiful girl.

And I love her."

I blushed so hard that I'm pretty sure if I would have crawled up in a ball I could pass as a cherry.

No joke.

"And one more thing"

What else could he want to say?

"I want you to know who I am Brinkley."

Another long pause.

"I want to know who you are too."

He sighed and smiled.

"But I'm scared."


"What if we end up like Chein and Chaton?" I said looking at my feet.

He lifted me head with his hand, "We won't.

As long as you promise not to run"

I laughed.

"I promise."

"Here it goes."

He closed his eyes in fear. But then opened them.


"What?" I asked.

He pulled me into a hug.

"Don't be disappointed. Because I know that I'm not."

"Oh gosh... you really are stupid aren't you?"


"I'm not going to be disappointed idiot..."

"Abeille detransform me."

I closed my eyes for a second.

But then relaxed.

I smiled as I opened my eyes.

Hey guys! Another chapter done! Hope you guys liked it! Thanks for reading!

(also thanks to @juniperblossoms1 and @StrangerArtist for the names and telling me how to spell unconscious!)

Emma Agreste

Word count 1045

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