Part 7-Don't look

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Be fore we start, I would just like to say that the art credit ^ goes to Juniperblossoms1 shes amazing and this particular comic she drew is a little sin,... but I had a good laugh about it, 

Emma P.O.V.

"Kitty, you know I can't stay." Chein told me. 

Beep Beep*

The blinding sparkles of a de-transformation lit up the dark sky. 

"AHHH!" Chein screamed as he shut his eyes tight. 

Crap I thought.

I looked down to see my hands, now exposed to the cold air. I sighed and Chein still kept his eyes shut tight. 


"NO! I won't look!" 

I took his hand. His eyes were still shut. 

My adorable kwami Mimmi flew out into the open. 

"We need to transform back, don't we?" She asked. 

"Yes,... I guess so." I responded. 

"Whatever you want!" She told me cheerfully and looked at Chein who was covering his eyes and facing away from me. 

"A good hero listens to her head." I remembered my mom telling me. 

"Honestly, I want him to know who I am." I told her. "But I don't want him to be uncomfortable. I want to know the person hiding under the mask that I have worked with for so long, and that I might have feelings for." I said loud enough for Chein to hear. He flushed a deep shade of red. 

I took his hand again, and turned his face to mine. His eyes still shut. 

I knew it was the right moment. 

I cupped his face in my hands and leaned toward him. 

We kissed. 

It was a long kiss. It was a simple kiss, but it melted my entire insides.

"Sooner or later we're going to have to pull apart to breathe." I reminded myself as I tried to wake myself up from this dream. 

After we pulled apart Chein still kept his eyes closed, but they weren't shut as tight and he looked more relaxed. I told him that I needed a way to get home, and that I didn't have anything to feed my kwami. 

He told me that he loved me, but he wanted our relationship to be full of blind trust. That's why we got along so well (most of the time), HEY WE ARE A CAT AND A DOG! 

I looked down. 

"Puppy?" I asked him.


"How do you know if you are in love?" I asked him. 

This immediately made him flush again. 

Mimmi turned to me and said, "When you feel things you don't feel for other people, not hate, but love. It's a feeling of trust. No matter what."  

This made Chein's cute face turn sour. 

"If it's really what you want, I will open my eyes." he told me.

"I know that this is what I want, so why do I suddenly feel so uncomfortable?" I thought. My insides turned to mush and as I saw him turn around, I ran for it.

I ran faster and faster until I knew he was out of sight. 

You may be wondering, why I did it even though it's what I was waiting for. 

I guess I wanted to be a smart hero like my mom. 

Or maybe I wanted to live up to her expectations.

Maybe I was scared he would hate how I looked under the mask.

Or that he would simply reject me.

What ever the reason, I didn't turn back.

I ran all the way home, then I bolted to my room, and slammed the door shut.

I cried. 

Why was I so afraid of the person I loved? 

At least I think I loved him, I was only 14! Do I really know what love is at this age?

Why did I run if it's what I wanted? 

I heard a silent knock at the door and I simply said "come in." 

The door opened and I saw cute little Louis walk in the door. 

"Hi Emma!" he said cheerfully. "Why are you sad?"

"Louis,.. I guess you just wouldn't understand. It's teenage stuff." 

"Ewwwwww" he said and ran away. 

I laughed as he ran away, but my mind quickly shifted on what just happened with Chein.

"Emma,... are you okay?" My cute cat kwami asked me. 

"I.... Don't... know." 

Mimmi snuggled up to me as I fell asleep. 

The next day

I woke up the next day feeling groggy. I looked in the mirror and saw my tear spotted face and puffy eyes. 

I washed off my face with cold water and went down for breakfast. 

Mom had made me fresh baked croissants that morning. That was a sign that she knew I had been sad the day before. 

My parents said nothing at breakfast, and I was perfectly okay with that. 

I got dressed and left to go to school that day. 

I had almost forgot that my best friend was akumatized. 

The only thing I found weird was that I hadn't seen any warnings of an akuma attack. 

I gazed at her empty seat that was next to mine and Brinkley's. We looked at each other and gave the same sad expression. 

I looked at the two seats in front of me which were filled by two boys. Hunter and Chaz. We had just recently switched spots. "I never noticed it beofre, but Hunter is actually pretty cute!" I thought to myself. "Wait... no Chein!" I immediately started to feel bad again. Hunter turned around and looked at me. We both squinted at each other like we had seen each other somewhere before.

Why did I recognize those brown eyes?  

Hunter P.O.V.

Why did I recognize those beautiful bright green eyes? 

Emma P.O.V

Suddenly, I heard a loud crash outside. That was the clue that their was an akuma. Brinkley and I looked at each other and ran off to transform. I dreaded seeing Chein again, but I had no choice. This could be Gabby!

 I had to free her. 

Hey guys! Thanks for sticking with me! Told ya it was going to get more intense. My good friend @juniperblossoms1 is making one shots with these characters so you should go read them! Thanks to @strangerartists and @juniperblossoms1 for being my best friends, and inspiration for this book. I can't do any of this without them. You all rock and I love updating these chapters. Also thank you so much for 300 reads! It may not seem like much, but it is to me! You all rock! Thank you guys! Stay tuned my akumas! 

Emma Agreste <3 

Word count 1063

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