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Emma woke with a start. Her brother Hugo was entering through her window. He was dirty and covered with bruises, scrapes, cuts, and all kinds of injuries. "What happened to you?!" Emma screamed at him. "Akuma, to hard, we need, mom, dad, help." Hugo said. He was obviously out of breath and very tired. "I'm getting mom and dad right now!" 

"Emma no! You are sick!" 

"And you are injured. So were even."

 Emma stubbornly stomped out of her room. "MOM! DAD! HUGO IS HURT! GET OVER HERE QUICK!" Emma screamed so her parent's could hear her. As soon as her parent's got to her room they scolded her. 

"Emma! Louis still asleep and he can hear you! Do you know what he would do if we wouldn't tell him why his older brother was hurt?!" 

"Sorry. But look at Hugo!" 

Her parents turned their heads so they could see Hugo. He was lying on the ground helpless. "Oh my gosh!" Marinette screamed. "What happened? Are the others like this? What hurts? Are you okay?" Marinette kept asking him questions. 

"Mom I'm fine, but the others aren't! You two need to go help them." "You mean you three." Emma said. As she smirked. "No Emma, you are still sick." "There is no point in arguing with me, I'm going whether you like it or not!" Adrien sighed, "alright let's go."Emma smiled.

Tikki spots on!
Plagg claws out!
Mimmi claws out!
(You know the drill. Sparkles, poses, and boom! Super heroes.)
The amazing tingling sensation came to her again as she looked down seeing  the amazing suit that made her so happy. There was nothing Emma enjoyed more then to see her parents in action. She was really excited to see it again, even if she felt week and helpless. "The team is tied up near the top of the Eiffel Tower. While you are going, get aunt Alya and Uncle Nino, this villian is crazy powerful. I was the only one who managed to escape. Don't forget to help Hornet first. He took a hit for Azule and now he is weaker then ever. "Aww he took a hit for her?!" Emma said dreamily. It was so cute how their relationship worked. "Alright we really need to team is in danger!" Marinette said.
As the three of them ran out Emma's window Marinette and Adrien were swiftly traveling through the air. Emma however was weak, she did her best not to show it. When they reached the tower they found that the team was indeed tied up and taken hostage by the villain. Many of them were in worse condition than Hugo was. They found out that they were being tortured and forced to hand over their miraculous. When they refused, they were beaten and kicked, and stabbed.

 (I know, I know that was pretty gruesome. But don't judge me okay!) 

"Chaton?! Why are you here?! You idiot! You are weak and sick!" Azule screeched over the noise. "I'm more worried about how you are." Emma replied gazing at the bruises and cuts all over her body.

(So I'm way to lazy to write down the capturing the akuma fight thing. So you get the picture. Basically they fought the villian, lucky charm, cataclysm, and bada bing, bada boom, bye bye little butterfly, miraculous ladybug!)
After Emma's mom made everything normal again Emma felt more weak then ever. "Thanks for saving us Kitty" Chein said with his usual handsome smile. "Ya, you too Ladybug and Chat. It's so awesome to see you guys fight akumas again! You guys are amazing!" Junie said with admiration. Hornet was still in pain and they decided to call Chloe AKA queen bee to come get him and fix him up.
After Queen Bee came to get her son they were all chatting and celebrating. "Hey Kitty are you okay?" Emma heard Chein say just as she saw the floor get nearer and nearer to her face. Than, everything went black.
Hey guys! This chapter was so fun to write! Word count 703 and also follow the inspirations for this book @juniperblossoms1 and @strangerartists. They both have written amazing stories so check them out! Stay miraculous. Stay tuned my little akumas!
Emma Agreste

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