Part 1

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Emma sat in the peacefulness of her room. She knew the quiet wouldn't last long, there was always something crazy happening in her home. She savored the quiet by sketching and designing. 

All of the sudden the quiet was shattered by her brothers rushing into her room. Her little brother Louis started to jump on her bed. "Emma! Emma! You won't believe what mom just said to me!"

 Emma froze. Louis was six years old, way to young to find about the miraculous, let alone receive one. Emma couldn't think of anything else that her parents would tell him that would make him this excited. But they told them about it when they thought they were mature enough. When Emma had turned thirteen her parents told her everything. About how her parents were the famous Ladybug and Chat Noir, about how they suspect her grandfather is Hawkmoth, that she had come of age and could receive a miraculous, about how her parents friends held a miraculous, about all of it. It was almost to much for her to take in. 

"Don't worry about Louis," said Emma's older brother Hugo interrupting her thoughts. "It's not what you think it is."Emma sighed of relief. She didn't know what small little Louis would do if he found out he had a family of super heroes.

 "What are you guys talking about?" Asked Louis looking up at her. "Oh it's nothing, Emma replied quickly "so what did you want to tell me about?" "Oh, mom told me that she's going to teach me how to make grandpa's famous macaroons. Do you wanna help?" Emma giggled "sure Louis, come on. 

As Emma walked down the stairs she gazed at the family photos strung up on the wall. . She noticed how much she looked like her dad, with her blonde hair, and her green eyes. Her eyes started to shift over at her ring in the photo. The same ring her father had gave her only a few months ago. It granted her the power of destruction just like her father. Only her ring was different from her dad's. The two miraculous had different kwami's. Plagg who was her father's kwami and Tikki who was her mother's kwami had twins. One was a cat like Plagg and the other ladybug like Tikki. The ladybug kwami went to her older brother Hugo who was fifteen. While she got the cat who was sweet little Mimmi. Emma started to think about her kwami. Mimmi had the sweet personality of Tikki while got the appetite and looks of Plagg. She was a cute little black cat with a big pink bow on the top of her head.

Emma's thoughts got interrupted once more when Hugo slipped on a stair and started to tumble down. Luckily her father Adrien was at the bottom of the stairs just in time to catch him. "Just like your mother." her father said. "Sorry dad, I'm so clumsy." Hugo said embarrassed. "That's alright, but you better hurry your mother is waiting for you down stairs."

"Not so much sugar Emma." Marinette said to her daughter sweetly. "Sorry mom, I'm not very good at this" Emma replied meekly. "Don't say that!" She replied quickly. "It took me years to get this good. You just need to keep trying, and never give up." "Ya, I guess so." Emma said. She loved how happy her mom always made her feel. But surprisingly Emma got more along with her father. Adrien always was willing to talk, or play with her. She loved him for that. They always seemed to see eye to eye. They did share the same powers, and she just thought that because he knew how her powers worked, they just got along better.

After making delicious macaroons with her mom, Emma was back up in her room. She handed a fresh macaroon to Mimmi and she started to continue sketching. Emma was starting to feel nervous. "I'm not sure what's happening Mimmi, there hasn't been an akuma attack in two weeks!" "Well maybe that's a good thing Emma." Sighed Mimmi. "You, your brother, and your friends haven't been getting very much sleep lately." Emma instantly thought of her friends Gabby and Brinkley. They were the some of the very few people who knew she was Chaton Noir. Gabby and Brinkley also held a Miraculous. Gabby transformed into Juniper. Her kwami is Pollen who is a small little flower like animal. Brinkley was a little more edgy. She held the dragon miraculous. She transformed into Azule. She could create blue fire and her kwami was Drami a cute little dragon. They all were very good friends and have entrusted each other with their secrets.

The next day Emma woke up with a start. The T.V. in her room was declaring that there was indeed an akuma attack today. Emma smiled brightly. She hadn't seen her team in a while, and she was excited to save civilians with them again. She shouted to her brother to come to her room, and then explained what was happening. She knew he was hiding a smile. He quickly texted their parent's and told them what was happening. Then, it was time to transform.

Mimmi Claws Out!

It was a feeling you could get nowhere else. As Emma transformed she felt a tingling sensation and with every movement she could feel the power circulating through her body.  Her normal clothes melted away and changed into her gorgeous shiny black suit, her head now had ears and a tail, feeling more powerful than she could ever be with her normal everyday self Emma knew she was ready. She grinned. She now knew that she had transformed into Chaton Noir, and leaving all her worries behind she and her brother jumped out her window, used their weapons to help her get around, and waited for the rest of the group to show up.

Within minutes Junie and Azule had shown up ready to fight. All they were waiting for was the boys. Azule was obviously very happy to see all of them because she had a bright smile on her face, and Junie just smiled her usual friendly smile and said, "aren't you glad that there was finally an akuma attack, I mean don't get me wrong that's bad, but we get to see each other again and we-I mean I started to get worried that there hadn't been one in forever." Chaton started to laugh, "You read my mind Junie." After waiting for a few more minutes the boys showed up and they were ready. Junie started to blush. Emma knew how much she had a crush on her brother Hugo. Emma and Azule also had semi crushes on two of the other superheroes but they never let it show. Mostly because they annoyed them to death most of the time. Emma knew that she couldn't let very many people know she had feelings for Chein Brun. For one; he held the dog miraculous, and cats and dogs aren't supposed to get along, and two; she would feel embarrassed telling anybody that she was in love. Azule was also crazy about a certain boy, Hornet. Instead of being flirty and making puns (which was how Emma handled her crushes) she handled it more like her mom. She act annoyed with him and judged him all the time. "Well come on, lets go guys! People are in danger!" Chein said.  They all started to run towards the danger. Heading into the unknown. 

End of part 1

If you guys liked this book let me know if you want me to make a sequel! There's more story to come, trust me.

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