Jessica walked up to me, her face directly in mine. "Oh looky here, if it isn't the world renowned whore herself. You look like crap, what did you get bad Yelp reviews." she turned to face the other girls. "What do you say girls, should we teach this slut that snitches get stitches?"

"What are you even talking about Jessica?" I asked her.

She snapped. "What am I talking about bitch! The fact that your stupid mother phoned the principle and threatened to phone the anti-bullying hot line to inform them that her cunt of a daughter was being bullied. I'll have you know I got detention for that!"

I didn't feel like answering her, I pushed her out of the way to leave. She grabbed me by my hair and shouted that the others hold me down. She was on top of me punching me in my face then getting up and kicked me in my ribs. I was defenseless being held by both my arms and by my feet. "This will teach you to fuck with me!"

When they let go of me I tried to get up but it hurt, I licked my bottom lip tasting blood. I looked at her with hate in my eyes. "Too bad you have to have your minions hold me down, yeah you are super strong Jessica!"

She charged me, but when the bathroom door opened, they scattered like the cockroaches they were. The girl that came in saw me and immediately helped me up, I flinched in pain. "Are you alright, we should go see the nurse and then report them to the principle."

"I'm fine, no I'll do that tomorrow. I just want to go home." I lied; I wasn't even going to bother report her. I dreaded thinking what would happen if I did, she would get Chase involved and that could be horrific.

It took me some time to convince her that I was fine and that I'd report them the next day. She stood next to me. "So, do you want me to help you to the office to have Mrs. Thatcher phone someone to pick you up?"

"No I don't want to go to the office, I'll sneak out the parking lot gate."

"But how will you get home?" She asked.

I had to admit to myself I had no clue who I'd call. I didn't want to call any of my friends, they were in class and I didn't feel like explaining to them what happened cause they would want to take action. And my parents would be furious, they'd demand answers. I took my phone and scrolled through the few contacts I had on, I stopped at Timmy's name. I didn't really want to get him involved, but right now he was the only safe option. I dialed his number; he was probably also in class so the chances of him answering wasn't looking too bright. I was about to end the call when he answered.

"Hello..." when I didn't say anything back, he asked. "Who is this?"

I remember I never gave him my new number; I took a deep breath. "Hi Timmy, it's Shelby. Sorry for bothering you at school...."

"Oh hey Shelby, I didn't recognize the number. Did you get a new one? And no, you aren't bothering me, I have a period off. How are you?" His voice was warm.

I looked up at the girl who helped me, she didn't want to leave until I phoned someone. "Uhm, I did change it yes... Timmy the reason I phoned you is because I need a huge favor, please?" The word favor gave me chills from Trevor using it earlier. I hated asking this of him, I remember him telling me I could call if I needed anything. I mentally slapped myself, he probably just said it to be nice.

"Yeah sure, what's up?"

"I know I'm asking you something that will probably get you into trouble, but I have no one that I can call without them asking ...." I was crying and rambling all at the same time then he stopped me.

"Shelby calm down, take a deep breath and tell me what you need." he said it so calm, and I had to admit it relaxed me.

I did what he said and talked. "I am at school and I want to go home and need a ride please Timmy."

Blinded by their betrayalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن