"Why do you have a face like a smacked arse" Tiff asked the surgeon.

Ally sat with her drink and rolled her eyes knowing full well she was going to get an ear full now off her wife along with her friends.

"Oh no reasons at all" Katie said matter of factly and scowled her wife.

"Are you going to tell us what happened or are you two going to give each other evils for the rest of the night" Shel asked.

"One of your slutty bar tenders tried it on with Katie" Ally said and all mouths opened around the table.

"She did not try it on" Katie snapped.

"Oh so you are defending her now" Ally shot back getting more irritated.

"I'm not but you called me too old for her so it pissed me off" Katie hissed.

Rach and Tiff were engrossed in their argument and Shel just felt uncomfortable.

"Who are we talking about here ladies" Tiff intervened and scanned her busy staff at the bar.

"That blonde tart by the cash register" Ally huffed, she sat back and crossed her arms over her chest and her three friends immediately whipped their heads over to where she had described whilst her wife shook her head and took a large gulp of her wine.

"Ohhhhh Danielle" Tiff nodded and then turned back towards Ally and Katie.

"She looks about 15" Ally commented and Katie grumbled some incoherent words which didn't go unheard by her wife.

"Don't worry" Tiff said looking at the married couple as she held her hands up in defence.

"She is legal..19" Tiff added giving Ally reassurance.

"And Katie you aren't missing much, she kisses like a washing machine and don't get me started on what she goes down below" Tiff said pointing under the table and giving Katie a wink, Rach couldn't help but laugh at the older woman.

"Eww" Ally squirmed trying to get the visual out of her head.

"Oh come on babe..it's not like you and I haven't been close to that before" Tiff winked at the blonde and suddenly felt a sharp kick to her shin.

"Owww" Tiff snapped about to lose her shit at either Katie or Ally who both were sending daggers her way.

"That was me and there's plenty of more where that came from if you don't shut it" Shel warned, picking up her wine and Rach gave her wife a lustful nod.

"That's my girl" Rach growled and Ally couldn't help but laugh.

"I think we should go dance for a bit" Shel suggested.

"Yes good idea, you girls go do your thing while I go find me a hottie to bring home before they all get too drunk and vomit on my bedsheetS" Tiff said as they all stood up and shook their heads at the older woman.

"I'm sorry for overreacting" Ally said quietly to her wife as Katie led her by the hand towards the dance floor.

"It's ok..I kind of like it when you get jealous, it's hot" Katie replied and stopped where there was enough room for them both to stand close to one another.

"You're not old" Ally said running her hands down her wife's bare arms until they comfortable rested on Katie's hips.

"I'm getting there" Katie laughed and started to move to the music. Ally couldn't help but bite her lip as she watched Katie move her body to the beat of the music. She didn't look older than her early thirties  which was odd considering her lack of sleep and long hours she continuously done each work.

Fading Scars (Sequel to Wound Healing) GirlxGirl Where stories live. Discover now