Chapter 11

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Two days passed but both Barry and Caitlin found not much changed during their stay. They hadn't left the hotel once and mostly kept themselves to themselves. They were swimming at the pool once and even got couples massages yesterday but for the most part, they stayed in the comfort of their room together watching movies and making love. They didn't feel the need for much else.

Barry had spoken to his parents every day which Caitlin knew was a great comfort for him especially after five months say from them. But it did remind her greatly of her own life. She wasn't that close to her family but had called her mother today. Although she hadn't expected it to be, it was a breath of relief for her. A heavy burden on her heart and her conscience felt as if it had been lifted. It surprised her to hear her mother cry over the phone, she didn't remember the last time she had done that, but it warmed her heart to know how much she really cared. She hadn't expected to feel so good but it did, perhaps that was how Barry felt and the strong bond he had with his parents.

But that morning, the couple headed down to the swimming pool about an hour after breakfast to go for a swim to clear their heads. Recently all the media was talking about was their story. It was all over the world and it seemed it was the top story everyone was talking about. There were all sorts of rumours being spread about their personal and private relationship and whilst they didn't know they were in a relationship there had been much speculation that they were sleeping together due to the fact they were sleeping in the same hotel room and a few photographs here and there. They both wanted to have their privacy but they quickly realised this wasn't just going to go away and that they had to address their relationship to the press otherwise they would never be left alone.

Next week, the day before their flight back to the US, a press conference had been arranged with their consent to answer any questions needed. They wanted this to be quick and brief so everything would blow over as quickly as possible. In a few weeks, perhaps months, the press will have found some new scandal to rave about and will forget all about the couple. At least, that's what they hoped they wanted this to be nothing more than a brief fifteen minutes of fame so they could go back to their normal daily lives together.

"I seriously hope that all this attention will blow over soon like they say. Because if it doesn't then we might never get our old lives back. I want to be with you but how can we be a real normal couple if there will be reporters and photographers following us around all the time looking for photos and comments on this and that. I want to be able to be alone with you so we can live a proper real life," Caitlin contained as they walked back from the restaurant to their room after breakfast hand in hand.

"I know but I promise it will blow over. In a year or so everyone will forget all about us and we can live a perfectly normal life. Besides, it will be a great story to tell our kids," Barry teased, kissing the side of her head gently.

"That long. I was kind of hoping that it would be less than that. But enough grim future plans, want to go for a swim?" she asked with the faint silhouette of what almost looked like a smile.

"Love to but we should probably wait an hour or so after breakfast. We shouldn't be going any exertion after eating. You are a doctor, you should know that Cait," he replied.

"I wasn't planning on any exertion, sweetheart, just a light swim. Maybe some time in the hot tub and maybe if we are feeling really lucky then maybe even the sauna" she winked, pulling him forward with a little giggle in the direction of the elevator.

She pressed the button with a coy smile and as soon as the elevator doors opened pulled him inside. Then the doors closed on them and they were left alone. She quickly slammed the button onto their floor then pulled him by the collar close to her and pressed her lips against his with passionate fervour. Within a matter of moments, they were both pressed against the walls of the shaft with the two of them all presses together both in their lips and bodies. Thank goodness there was nobody else who tried to get in otherwise the doors would have opened to them with a very embarrassing sight.

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