Chapter 3

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Although Caitlin was initiated into Barry's home and camp on the island, things weren't much better between them.  She had no desire to get to know him or try to become friends in any capacity. Sure she was being apathetic but that suited her just fine. They didn't need to be friends nor anything of the sort- they just had to be civil. He wasn't a monster or anything but she was uninterested in him. He was merely an inconvenience who she needed but as soon as they get off this island she won't ever have to see his face again.

It may seem that she was being overly harsh but Caitlin was also a very decisive woman who didn't like to have her time wasted. She lived a very busy life and had no time for the niceties. She had very little time and patient for those who disinterested her. Maybe he isn't all that bad after all but she does not have time to find out nor does she care to. Besides chances are that he is as annoying underneath all of her first impressions as well so what is even the point. It will just be one great big time waster. Sure she has plenty of time to kill but even then this is a waste of her time.

So mostly Caitlin tended to just simply ignore him all day even when he tried to make conversation with her. She avoided him whenever possible and tried not to get to close whenever they were around each other. She could tell that he was trying to get closer to her but frankly she wasn't interested. She just wanted to be alone and hoped that he would take a hint at some point and give up trying to make friends- it wasn't going to get him anywhere. Not that he ever seemed to bothered about it anyway. He was clearly just doing it because he could not because he actually cared or anything like that. It was simply a way to kill time and something that she couldn't do anything about. She might as well just let him do it until he finally gets the message.

Besides, they would get rescued any day now. Caitlin was sure of it. They had to be looking for any other passengers like them who didn't get to the lifeboats, they just had to be. Surely the proper authorities had to know that there were people missing and they were worth looking for. And despite it being the Caribbean, they should still find them relatively fast. All they have to do is check all the islands in a few mile radius of the wreckage. So it didn't even matter if they weren't friends or buddies or pals or whatever, they were going to get rescued literally any day now- she could tell. Barry must know that, she thought, so he really can't be all that bothered about them getting to know each other or whatever.

But what Caitlin did not know that he was bothered about being friends. He had already welcomed the seemingly quite likely possibility of them never being found. It was an incredibly tough thing to think about and the last thing that he wanted was for the woman who he was marooned with for possibly forever to hate him. Not to mention that going through this alone, completely friendless, was hard for him and surely it had to be difficult for her too. But then again all Barry had seen from her in the way if emotion was disgust and boredom. He was beginning to think that she had no emotions at all.

This wasn't easy for him either and he only wished that Caitlin would see that too. Or maybe even him too. Life cranky wasn't east at the moment but a part of him hoped that things would be easier if she was truly going through it with him. As a couple. He didn't like that he was attracted to a woman who completely blanked him but that was his truth. She was completely uninterested in him in every way. From friendship to something more than friendship.

It was hard not to admire a woman so beautiful especially when she walked around in a bikini half the time. Even more so when he accidentally walked in on her bathing in the lagoon the other day. He hadn't seen much but enough to make him stand and stare. Luckily she didn't notice otherwise she may have killed him. There was nothing stopping her, after all, seeing as there was no law or police here. He only hoped that she could stand him enough to not actually murder him in cold blood. Barry had promised himself not to fall for her though, she wanted nothing to do with him, but it was hard not to.

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