Chapter 6

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Another week in the island passed and Barry and Caitlin's friendship had blossomed well. They had become really great friends and were spending more time together than ever before. They practically knew everything there was to know about each other from their childhoods to their adult lives. Naturally, they had become very close and things had vastly improved between them since the first time they met. For the first time, they were on great terms and it felt amazing to finally have a friend on this silly island.

Nevertheless, Caitlin found herself incredibly pleased that she and him had become such good friends. Especially as he was such a great friend and a great guy. Even after just as well she couldn't imagine life on this island without him. It would most definitely suck to be alone and now that she had found herself a friend she didn't want to lose him or his friendship. Perhaps things were moving fast between them but she felt closer to Barry than she had ever felt with someone for a very long time. It felt like he really knew her despite the fact that they had only met a few weeks ago. But they were surviving together and that brought them closer together than she could possibly have ever imagined.

On one particular morning, the both of them had both forgotten what day it was now, their only way of knowing how many days since the sinking was markings on a stone by the shore, Caitlin was wandering around the brush heading down to the lagoon to bathe. She loved the lagoon- it was beautiful and relaxing and wonderful. It was her favourite place to go when she had some spare time other than spending quality time with Barry. She always went by herself and so did he seeing as it was such a private place but a part of her did want to have some fun there with him sometime. Though she did normally swim naked and she imagined that he probably did too- not that she had imagined that in any way shape or form. At all.

She hummed to herself as she ambled down the path, her ankle was still a little sore but it was a lot better than it was the week before. Barry had been so kind about it and looked after her so much in that time and for that and everything else he had done for her she was completely in her debt. As she had said, she was so glad that they were friends now. It took a few minutes but she made her way down to the lagoon in good time. She smiled to herself as she reached the treeline surrounding the lagoon and began taking off her clothes. However, as soon as she saw the water itself she topped right in her tracks. What she saw made her breath fall from her lungs. Her eyes widened with shock and she just couldn't quite pull her gaze away. It was Barry- in the lagoon... naked.

She almost screamed out loud when she saw him there. It wasn't as if she wanted to scream because it was a bad view- God, it wasn't a bad view at all- but more because she wasn't wanting to scream because it was bad. It scared her because she was staring and she couldn't stop staring. She leaned her head against the nearest tree and hid behind it still making sure her view wasn't ruined but still so there was absolutely no chance that he could turn around and see her. That was definitely the last thing that she wanted to happen. She could barely comprehend what was happening right now let alone what she was doing and feeling.

She bit her lip and watched as he stood in the waterfall, water falling down all over his body. Even though she didn't quite understand why she knew that she felt desire building up in her body. She wasn't sure what was coming over her but what she did know is that she wanted to take the rest of her clothes off and get in there with him. Especially as she felt herself getting hotter and hotter. It was the first time that she realised how attractive he was and how much she really hadn't been paying attention when she really should have been. Of all of the things, she was expecting to happen today or even the crazy things that happen every day that happen on this insane island this was not one of them. But she couldn't deny that she liked this particular crazy thing that was happening. She knew she seemed like a huge pervert and she would really regret this whole thing later but she couldn't help herself. He was hot.

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