Chapter III

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I should be doing homework right now lmao. 

She woke up slowly, yawning deeply before sitting up and looking over to her bedroom. The guy was still fast asleep, but she noticed his position had shifted a bit. His hands were across his stomach, his head tilted to the side. Not much of a change, but a change nonetheless. Griffin got a shirt and jeans for herself before slipping into the bathroom to take a quick shower. When she finished, she blow dried her raven black hair and brushed her teeth. The girl opened the door and walked out, shooting a double-take at the bed. The guy was gone.

"Fuck..." she whispered, glancing around to try and find him. "Hey, guy? You really shouldn't be up! You'll reopen your wound." She exclaimed, her heart beating faster with nervousness. Her back suddenly stiffened as a knife was pressed to her neck, her fingers twitching slightly.

"Who are you and where am I?" The man hissed. She could barely see his arm shaking, his body probably close to collapsing from blood loss. This dude seriously shouldn't be up and threatening people in his state.

"I'm Griffin, and you're currently in my apartment. I think you're about to pass out, so why don't you-" the knife suddenly dropped from his hand, his body going limp. She just barely caught him before he hit the ground, carefully putting him back on her bed and checking to see if he had broken any of the stitches. He hadn't.

Seeing that he was somewhat ok, she walked back to her couch and turned on the TV. The local news station was doing a story on the strange crater at Central Park. She pushed a bunch of the tools, wires, and screws away from the table to create a space for her to put her feet up on as she settled in to listen to the newscaster.

"-and the police are saying that they don't know exactly what happened. There have been sightings of Tony Stark at the sight of the crater, meaning this could be some sort of attack or warning that was meant for him." Griffin sort of checked out as another guy went on about the weather, her position adjusting so she could now continue to repair the weapons circuit-board chip, responsible for the holographic HUD of her remaining ammunition, aiming system, and missile type on the windshield of the ship. She continued soldering for an hour or so before hunger finally got to her.

Griffin decided to write, 'Gone to get breakfast and coffee. There are clothes on the end of the bed for you if you want to get up, though I'd recommend not moving in case you reopen your wound. ~ Griffin' on a sticky note and stuck it to his forehead. With that, she put on her hoodie and slung her backpack over her shoulders before leaving the apartment building. Her mind was sort of disconnected from her body as she walked down the street, trying to focus on who the hell that guy was and why he was so familiar. She was sure she hadn't seen him before, but something still tugged at the back of her mind.

The ringing of the bell to the coffee shop brought her back to reality, a smile making its way to her lips. "Morning, James!"

"Good morning, Griffin! What'll it be today?"

"Uhm...Can I get a latte with heavy cream and three shots of espresso and one shot vodka...also a mocha with whipped cream."

"Ooh, who's the second for?"

"Ah, my friend. He's staying over at my apartment for a bit."

"Nice, nice." James smiled, putting the order into the register before looking back at her. "Anything else, or will that be it for you?"

"Hmm...Can I take a chocolate croissant and a blueberry muffin?"

"Of course! Heated?" Griffin nodded, taking out her wallet as James put the two pastry items into the oven to get warmed up before he started making the two drinks. "Did you hear about that crater thing on the news?"

Stranded [Loki Laufeyson]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon