Chapter XVI

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Hi yes hello, it is I. If you're reading this, I'm dead - no lol. Uh I changed some things in this chapter, so please reread it, Doves. But if you want a recap, Lokes gave Griffin some stuff. Oof sorry if i sound drunk lmao I'm a bit tipsy. (very lucky to have spellcheck right now)

"My son...Welcome back."

His voice was such a stark contrast from what Griffin had thought it would sound like that she nearly flinched in surprise. She had grown up on stories about Odin - the cruel king who conquered the planets and the Nine Realms with nothing more than a wave of his hand; who could contain the Frost Giants of Jotunheim. The man who was sitting there, however, looked tired. She didn't think Asgardians could get tired, but she's getting surprises thrown her way a lot in the past week.

When Loki stood up from his bowed state, she followed and took the chance to look the king over. His posture was slouching, bags under his eyes, and his fingers almost slipping on the golden spear in his hands. He looked exhausted; that made her wonder what the average age of Asgardians was because Odin had to be over ten thousand years old at least. There had to be some limit to their lifespan.

"I apologize for my sudden and unannounced visit, I wanted to inform you of a lead I may have found." Loki stepped forwards, his walk confident and demanding of respect. She had to hand it to Loki, he really did know how to play Thor. Loki turned to glance at Griffin, subtly and unnoticeably - unless you were looking, which she was - nodding before beginning to walk up the steps to Odin. "I found a woman who has informed me that she may know where one of the Infinity Stones is."

"Really?" Odin's eyes flitted down to Griffin, and her hand tightened slightly around the neck of her rifle. "And who might this woman be?"

"I am Griffin, Your Majesty." The words sent bile up her throat that she should ever respect this man. Sure, she's denounced Nallia, but he still sent the order to slaughter her ancestors. "Prince Thor arrived on my planet, looking for one of the Stones. We may not have it still, but there is substantial evidence that one of the Infinity Stones once came into our possession. With any luck, we may still have it, but I need to request something before I willingly hand over its location to you."

"You want to bargain?" Odin asked, rising to his feet. Her shoulders tensed slightly, her gaze flipping to Loki as Odin began to walk down the golden steps. Now would be a great time for Loki to shank him, or whatever. "And what is your request?"

"I ask that you leave my planet alone. That you do not attempt to integrate it into the Nine Realms." Griffin stated with authority, straightening her back to try and seem more imposing. With her small stature, it wasn't likely she would be making the AllFather tremble in his boots anytime soon, but one could hope.

"Your planet? What is its name?"

Griffin made eye contact with Loki as he stopped behind Odin, his fingers curling slightly as they subtly flashed green. "My planet is Nallia, Sir. And I must insist you leave us alone."

Odin's hand tightened around the handle of his spear and opened his mouth to speak. In the next instant, Loki pressed both hands to either side of Odin's head, his eyes blazing green as he injected his magic into the AllFather.

When the guards let out shouts of anger as Loki's illusion faded, Griffin whipped around and flipped the rifle off of her back and into her hands. She took careful aim and shot, a blue beam of light firing out of the barrel and making contact with one of the guard's chest. He hit the ground instantly. She fired three more times at the closest ones to her, watching as they fell unconscious just like the first. The last one was about to make it out of the room with intentions to alert the others in the castle when she fired once more, prompting him to hit the ground as her shot made contact with his back.

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