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"I had gotten upset because my boyfriend bought me a gift, and while that sounds crazy, I have a good reason. Before my father left, he had a guitar he used to play. I had loved listening to him play it or even just mess around because every note he produced was beautiful. When he passed, my mother got rid of all his things because they were too painful for her to look at," Maria said as I moved my hands from her hair to her shoulders.

"I had searched for a guitar that looked like the one he had, and I found it at a store ten minutes from my house. All I wanted was that guitar so I would have something that reminded me of my dad. The guitar was all I had left at that point. My boyfriend didn't know, so I guess he thought he was doing something nice. I was furious he took that away from me," Maria huffed.

"I didn't touch his stupid guitar, and he was upset that I refused to go anywhere near it. He called me about a week later to say I was acting like some stuck up bitch, and then he said he wanted it back. I didn't want to lose him, so I offered to take lessons with his guitar even though I wanted nothing to do with it. This seemed to calm him for the time being," Maria shivered.

I rubbed her skin through her towel to try to comfort her through her story and she continued, "I heard a month or so later that he told one of his friends he didn't like how I dressed. I've never dressed like a runway model, so I figured there wouldn't be that much harm in wearing something nice to a date. I mean, he loved the idea of dressing up. He took me out and I wore a dress my friend picked up for me."

"He showered me with affection, and I thought he had liked the improvement until one of his female friends came up and she was absolutely stunning. I would've been drooling over her, and if I thought this way, I knew he did too. She spoke with him about the next time they would hang out and I was immediately jealous." Maria grumbled, "Who wouldn't have been standing next to some model."

"Maria, I'm not just saying this because you're currently partially naked, but I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," I admitted.

"Thank you," Maria said sincerely.

"It might be because you're partially naked, just a small bit," I joked.

"Shut up. Anyway, I called him later and he asked if it was alright if he went to see her. I said it wasn't a big deal, but I was nervous. He said I was being stupid and not to worry about it. My birthday had been in a month and he promised to take me to dinner which was something I had been asking him to do for weeks. A week before my birthday he said he didn't have the money so I offered to pay. He refused to have me pay for dinner," Maria said, leaning into my touch.

"I didn't think it was a big deal and I figured we could do something else. My birthday rolls around, and I spent the day with him. Multiple people wished me a happy birthday and he didn't seem to notice. I waited until midnight to ask what day it had been. He said he didn't know, and when I said it had been my birthday, he lied through his teeth about knowing. All I wanted was for my boyfriend to wish me a happy birthday," Maria growled.

"I said he could make it up to me because it wasn't that big of a deal, and he agreed. Two days later, he took the model to dinner, something he claimed he had no money for. I, of course, got upset. I said she was beautiful, and I was jealous. His reply was that 'at least I was funny.' I didn't want to be funny. I decided to end things after that. I spent the holiday alone and it sucked." Maria snarled, "I wasn't smart enough to block his number."

"He called me saying he had been in the hospital. I felt bad for him, and one thing led to another and soon we were back together. He had been the man I originally fell for, and I was thrilled to have him back. He started spending a lot of time with a girl from class, and I didn't want to be the jealous girlfriend, so I didn't worry about her. I should've worried about her," Maria spoke through clenched teeth.

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