Chapter 19: "Josh stop bothering my wife."

Start from the beginning

"I forgot my drumsticks."

"They're in the boot," I said. Liv breathed a sigh of relief and Levi started driving again. "What would you guys do without me?" I asked, amused.

"We'd be dead," Levi said. At the same time Josh said, "We'd have edible breakfast." 

I ignored him and took a tenner out of my purse. "Since your brother forgot to make us lunch, buy something in school. Please don't starve, your dad would kill me." I handed the money to Liv. She put it away, telling me my dad would kill Levi, not me, if she starved.

Even though I'd only been living with them for a month, I'd become more responsible, thanks to Catherine. She'd helped me to adapt to my new life. I definitely wasn't the same Fallon who'd said yes to the dare that changed my life almost four months ago. I'd missed having my parents around in the couple of weeks or so, but now, I knew for a fact I didn't need them anymore.

Levi parked down the street from Liv's school. "Don't forget I'm competing today. You guys have to come to support me." Liv was competing in her school's annual Battle of the Bands competition and today was the final.

"We'll be there," Josh reassured her. "And don't forget your drumsticks." Once Liv had taken everything and started running to her school, Levi started driving. "So where are we going for breakfast?" Josh asked.

"We're going to school," I said. "We've skipped so many lessons, I don't know how we still have good grades."

"Exactly, we've missed so many lessons, it won't matter if we miss a few more," Josh said.

"School it is," Levi said. Josh made a whipping noise. Levi braked hard at a red light causing Josh to fall forwards. The rest of the drive was silent.


"Is that your wedding ring?" a girl asked. I nodded. I was currently sitting in Art, a lesson I had with none of my friends. If somebody came up to me and started asking me marriage/Levi related questions, Kelsey and Vanessa would direct them elsewhere. I'd not seen a single guy ask Levi a question. Unless they did it when I wasn't there.

"Was your wedding magical? Did you wear a white dress? Was Levi in a tux? Did you guys invite your families?" she fired questions at me.

I looked up from my sketchbook and said in the flattest tone possible, "No. No. No. No." Her smile dropped. She opened her mouth to ask me another question but another girl beat her to it. "Where did you guys get married? Did you have a honeymoon?" she winked. I sighed and looked around the room. Everyone quickly avoided my gaze. They were all listening.

I stood up on my chair and the teacher shouted for me to get down. Ignoring her, I said loudly, "Listen up. You all seem to have a lot of questions about something that doesn't involve you. It's starting to get on my nerves because I've had the same questions thrown at me for almost five weeks. So I'll make a deal with you all. I answer any question that I think deserves an answer and for the rest of the year, you do not bring this subject up in front of me or Levi unless absolutely necessary." Everyone murmured in agreement.

A boy towards the back of the class shouted, "What counts as absolutely necessary?"

"You're thinking about getting married and need advice," I said and got down from the chair. I listened as everyone discussed what questions they were going to ask. The teacher tried to get everyone's attention but it wasn't working. I texted Levi and told him what I'd done. He replied, Well done.

Lunchtime rolled around faster than normal. I walked into the cafeteria with my friends and saw that the place looked more full than normal. The table where we usually sat had people there too, even though on any normal day nobody else except us sat there. My friends sat down at our usual table but I found the middle table and climbed onto it. As I looked around the cafeteria, I saw a few of the teachers standing around the edge of the room.

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