Chapter 11: "Monopoly breaks up families."

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"Where are you off to?" Levi asked from the kitchen. I sighed and turned around, away from the front door. I'd thought that I'd done a pretty good job of not disturbing anybody as I made my escape but I hadn't thought that maybe somebody would already be awake. I walked slowly to the kitchen and told him I was going to go out for a morning stroll around the countryside. The rest of my friends would usually accompany me, but I'd decided to let them all sleep today. "Mind if I join you?" I shook my head. "Give me a second and I'll go change." He was still in his pyjamas.

I wiped Josh's doodle from the magnetic whiteboard on the fridge and left a note for our friends, telling them we had gone out. Levi came back quickly, still pulling on his jacket. "Alright, I'm ready." I unlocked the front door with the key that Vanessa had left next to the front door and led the way down the path. We walked in silence, following the path that would lead us to the top of one of the hills. Once we'd reached the top, I sat down on the grass, not caring that it was slightly wet.

Levi sat down next to me. "I'm sorry about Jamie last night. He shouldn't have said the married thing during the game. You probably wanted to tell him in your own time."

I shook my head. "It's fine. I would have chickened out again. And I'd already been leading him Miles on for too long. My friends won't say it but I knew." He nodded. "Can I tell you something."


"I didn't expect my life to turn out like this - married and divorced before, probably, 19. I always thought that the first person I married would be my true love, and I would stay married to him for the rest of my life. I honestly never thought I would get a divorce, but I can't say I'm mad that you're my first husband."

"Wow. I can't say I'm mad that you're my first wife. I didn't think my life would go this way either," Levi said. "But we can make the best of it for now."

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know," he laughed. "I just thought it was the right thing to say." I punched him on the arm but ended up hurting my hand. "I'm sorry about your tattoo."

"I'm sorry about yours too. But you're lucky." Levi raised an eyebrow. "I can't wear shirts without shoulders. I'm never going to be able to wear spaghetti strapped clothing ever again!" I yelled. The closest people to us were currently asleep in Vanessa's cottage.

"What are spaghetti straps?"

I screamed, got up and walked down the hill.


"Why did we decide to walk to the village?" I complained. After the hill, we'd followed the path until it changed into a gravelly road. There weren't any cars going past so we'd walked down the middle of the road. It had taken us an hour to get there. Luckily both of us had brought money and we'd bought ingredients to make food for at least a couple of days. We had both carried two bags each but when Levi saw that I was struggling he'd taken a bag off me.

Levi stopped in the middle of the road. "Climb on my back."

"Are you serious? You will break."

"No, I won't. Jump and I'll catch." He turned around so that his back was facing me and placed the bags he was holding on the ground. He did as he said he would and caught me. After pulling me up a little higher so that I wouldn't fall off, he picked the bags up and continued walking.

"If you get tired, tell me. And also pass me another bag. I'm only holding one and you've got three."

"It's fine." I wouldn't stop asking so he finally gave in. After a while of walking/being carried in silence Levi spoke. "Fallon?"

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