Chapter 6: "There may or may not be a potential relationship."

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Today was the day we had to perform our Macbeth scenes in front of the class. Practising at Miles' wasn't as awkward as I'd thought it would be since his parents were at work whenever we went over and I would be lying if I said it wasn't nice to be back there.

On one of the days we were there I was making my way back from the bathroom when I saw that Miles had left his door open. I'd made sure that no one was around when I walked in. He'd left the pictures of us up around his room. I saw that his nightstand still had the frame with a picture of both of us laughing. It had been taken on his birthday and we were laughing at the 'speech' his friend had made. It was one of my favourite pictures of us together. I'd left quickly and walked back to the living room, pushing the memory of that day away.

"Everyone sit down in your groups," Mr. Taylor said. "Okay, you guys are performing today. Remember that this won't be affecting your grades so it doesn't have to be perfect. If needed, you may use your books." Multiple shoulders relaxed. "Let's go in scene order. Maya, Zara and Emily, you're up first." He took a seat at the back of the class room whilst the three girls stood at the front.

"'Fair is foul and foul is fair Hover through the fog and filthy air.'" The girls finished through fits of laughter.

"Thank you for that, ladies. You may take your seats." They sat down still laughing. "Alright, the next group is Act 1, Scene 5." Levi, Miles and I stood up and took our places at the front of the room. "Whenever you're ready," Mr. Taylor said.

I lifted the piece of paper I'd ripped out of my book and pretended to read it like a letter whilst reciting the lines I'd memorised. We went through the scene like we'd practised at Miles' house. When we finished, we faced the rest of our class. The three girls had stopped laughing and looked embarrassed, probably comparing their performance with ours. "And that," Mr. Taylor said. "Is the level of performance I'm expecting from you all. Well done all of three of you. Especially you, Miss Jones. Learning all of those lines must have been difficult. You can take your seats now."

"Well done," Levi whispered, smiling, as we sat down.

"Thanks," I said and smiled back. From the corner of my eye, I saw Miles glaring at Levi.

"Act 1, Scene 7 please take your places." A boy and a girl got up. They tried to recite the lines without the use of their books but struggled, and so did everyone else. I guess they all wanted Mr. Taylor to say something good but no group had been as organised as ours. When everyone was done, he dismissed the class early, a sort of prize for performing in front of everyone. I turned to leave but stopped when I heard Levi's voice.

"I'll see you in Science." I smiled and gave him a nod. Kelsey and I walked to our next lesson talking about how her lesson went. I laughed as she complained about her teacher giving them a test, even though it had only been two weeks since we'd started. We walked in and sat down at Vanessa's table. We talked whilst we waited for the teacher. 

Ten minutes went past. Thirty minutes went past. It had been almost 40 minutes into the lesson when another teacher appeared and asked why we were all sitting there and not doing any work. A student explained that we were waiting for the teacher who hadn't shown up. The teacher told us that our actual teacher had taken a day off as she was ill. Everyone groaned. The student that had explained what had happened said he was going to go complain to someone higher up in the school. He left followed by a handful of other students who wanted to complain as well. Pretty quickly the whole class had left. 

The only ones left were me, Kelsey, Vanessa and Miles. That's right, Miles was in this class too. He got up from his chair and came up to our table. "Fallon, can I talk to you please?"

I nodded and followed him outside, where the corridors were empty. I looked at him and waited for him to start speaking. "What I wanted to say is this: give me a chance. I know that I was an absolute dick to break up with you after you told me that you loved me. It made me so happy that you felt exactly how I felt but I was scared. I didn't want to tell you that I loved you too because if I did, it would mean that it was real. And I don't think I was ready for it to be real. But I am now. And I'm ready to do whatever it takes to show you."

I thought about what Kelsey had said about me having all the power. Miles had been part of our friend group before he asked me out so I knew him well and I knew that the speech he'd just made was 100% genuine. "I'm scared that you're going to break my heart again but I want to give you a second chance. There won't be another one, though, so don't mess up."

"Okay," he grinned. He moved closer as if to kiss me but I stopped him by putting a hand over his mouth.

"Kissing is out of the question, right now. I need to know I can trust you so this will have to be on my terms." He nodded, still grinning. If that had disappointed him, he didn't show it. I wanted to give him a second chance because he had been the first person I'd ever fallen in love with. I wanted to see if he'd changed. He walked away, almost with a bounce in his step. I walked back into the class to my friends who were looking at me expectantly. I told them everything that had happened. "I know I said that I didn't want to get back with him, but," I stopped, not knowing how to explain myself.

"We get it," Vanessa said. "You loved him, maybe still do." 

I nodded, then realised that Levi and I had never talked about whether or not we could be in relationships with other people while we were married. I told Vanessa and Kelsey that there was something I had to do and before they could say anything, I grabbed my bag and run out the room. I looked through the window in the door of all the rooms in the department, looking for Levi's class. When I'd found it, I waited outside for the class to end.

The bell rang and people poured out of the room. Levi hadn't spotted me so I grabbed his arm and pulled him. "Sorry," I said as he rubbed his arm. "Are we allowed relationships with other people while we're, you know?" I held up my left hand as if to show him a ring.

"Hello to you too," he said.

"Sorry," I said again. "Hi."

"Yeah, we're allowed to be with other people. This is just a small problem that we'll both have fixed in a a few months, hopefully."

"Great, thanks." I turned to leave but he stopped me.

"What is this about?" I debated whether or not on telling him why I was asking him all of this but I settled on telling him part of it.

"There may or may not be a potential relationship. Maybe. Probably." I rambled.

"Okay," he laughed. I turned around and walked straight to the girls' bathroom. I needed to get my feelings in order before I was hurt again, because it had dawned on me, as I talked to Levi, that I still had strong feelings for Miles. I hid in a stall for the duration of my Science lesson and for half of lunch.

To clear my mind, I took out a spare sheet of paper from my bag and doodled. I hadn't admitted this yet, but I did really want things to work with him. When we were together, it was like nothing else mattered. But I didn't want him to break my heart again. I knew that if I wanted a relationship with him, I would have to take the risk. Taking a deep breath, I put the pen and paper in my bag and stood up. I'd done too much thinking.

Without going into the cafeteria to tell my friends, I went straight to the medical room to ask for a pass out. I made up an excuse about getting my period and not feeling well to remain until the end of the day. I was given the pass, which I showed to the receptionist, and was allowed out. I walked home, using the time and fresh air to forget about everything and instead to think about the new Hell that work was.

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