My Name is Naruto Uzumaki

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"The plant creatures have proven to be a valuable weapon. One we can utilize in the future," smiles Vandal Savage.

Out of the shadows steps Ras ah Ghul. "More importantly, the League believes that the Injustice League was the secret society behind the Cobra-Venom. Our presence is once again safely hidden in the shadows," states Ras ah Ghul.

Lex Luthor is next to emerge from the shadows. "True, but we have a bigger issue to deal with." The screens in front of them change until a child is on it. A familiar child with golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. "He is proving to be a far greater threat than we had originally assumed. The team of young heroes is a nuisance, but this one has the potential to ruin all our plans."

"Perhaps I should arrange to meet him," smirks Queen Bee.

"Your ability to enthrall is strong, but if it fails to work for any reason we risk exposing too much of ourselves," states Vandal. "No, the best course of action is elimination. The time for recruitment has passed." Silently, the others agree. "When the time is right we shall eliminate all the children that dare stand against our Light."

October 6th: Tokyo

Naruto stands on the ledge of the roof staring down at the people down below. It has been three days since the fight with the Injustice League. He woke up a day ago having suffered a major case of chakra exhaustion. He can't remember the last time he fought at full strength. Wotan and Black Adam pushed him to the limit. Those two were powerhouses on par with Kage level ninja. And he would have been killed if he kept holding back. Kurama's words gave him the strength to stop hiding and reveal his true power. Miss Martian, Superboy, Aqualad, and several members of the Justice League saw his Sharingan. No one has talked to him about it but he knows that in time it will be brought up. He is sure that Batman is investigating any possible explanation for his eyes to go from ocean blue to crimson red.

Kurama was right, he was hiding. This entire time he claimed to have no fear. He went on every mission and fought crime in Tokyo without showing any weakness. It was all a façade. The truth was that he was scared that once the team and the people of Tokyo learned about his true power that everyone would fear him. Like in Konoha, he would be ostracized and have no place to go. Once again he would be alone in the world. Loneliness is a pain that is greater than many realize. One might say he was never alone since there was a demon inside of him, but he wasn't friends with Kurama at first. It took several years on the run for him and Kurama to build a friendship. During that time he was on his own. Eating out of garbage cans and curled up in a ball during cold nights.

Constantly dodging ninja from Konoha trying to kill him. As well as many other dangers that exist in the Elemental Nations. All those memories led him to find the true reason that he joined the team. He joined the team to find a place where he belonged. He wanted to be around others like him so that maybe he wouldn't have to live in a new world and suffer the same fate of loneliness. That is the reason he had forgiven them so quickly. The idea of being alone again scared him. Or it had scared him. If the team betrayed him again, he would not be so forgiving.

There is one problem, he may have revealed his true abilities to the enemy and to several of his teammates, but he was still hiding. Others are walking around in broad daylight while he hides in the shadows. A hero with no alter-ego. Everyone on the team and almost everyone on the League has a life in the real world. Even if it is under the guise of a false persona, they are interacting with the world. Forming bonds with others. He is not. The reason that he is not is that he is hiding. Still afraid that this the people of Tokyo and Japan will reject him once they learn more about him.

"I refuse to have a scaredy cat as a container!"

Ocean blue eyes harden. It is time to stop hiding. If the world won't accept him then that is too bad. He refuses to hide in the shadows. Time for him to walk in the light as well.

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