Solo Mission

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Canary and Green Arrow look at Batman in surprise. "Are you sure about this?" asks Arrow.

"The government has given us permission to send one representative. He has the abilities to accomplish the mission," says Batman.

"No one is arguing his skills. The problem is that he doesn't have a way to communicate with others at the summit. That could be a liability," argues Canary.

Batman turns away from the monitor to face Canary and Arrow. "The lack of communication didn't stop him from taking command of the mission in Biayla. He was able to pull the team together to rescue Superboy and retrieve stolen alien technology. As a former mercenary he has revealed that most of his missions focused on bodyguard detail." The Dark Knight turns back around typing at the monitor. "Any member of the League that is sent will stand out too much. Aqualad and Robin are the next clear choices, but Naruto is more likely to stay hidden. Only acting when necessary."

Canary comes up beside Batman. "Those are excellent points, but what is the true reason? Is this a test to see if he is ready for the League?"

A tap of the button brings up an image of Japan's Prime Minister. The computer translate the speech into English so that Canary and Arrow can understand. "These past few months an unknown hero has been helping to save lives all over Japan. An honorable hero that doesn't seek glory and fame. Our country possesses a noble hero that fights each day to protect us. The hero, Maelstorm, I declare him a citizen of Japan. He shall forever be welcome in our country!"

Arrow whistles, "The kid is getting some major recognition."

"Three days ago, he saved the Prime Minister's son from an assassination attempt. There are money offers from every news station for pictures of Japan's Hero." Batman closes the screen. "This will be a good opportunity to give him a chance to reveal his identity as more than a shadow. The League is already generating enough suspicion and press since most of our members are from a single country or aliens."

Understanding appears in Canary's eyes. "So you want to use him to show that heroes from other countries are aligned with the League as well," realizes Canary.

"I still think sending a fourteen year old isn't going to look all that great," says Arrow.

"I agree, but Batman does have a point. Naruto is the best option out of the rest on the team."

Arrow shrugs not having much interaction with the team. Batman sends a transmission for Naruto meet at the cave.

Mount Justice; September 7th

"Recognized Maelstorm, B06."

Naruto appears in the cave. He has on a black flak vest over a long sleeve black shirt underneath a white and red shirt, fingerless iron clad black gloves with metal arm guards, black pants that are wrapped up at the shins, and closed toe black ninja sandals. He had his katana sheathed behind his back.

 He had his katana sheathed behind his back

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