"Man I need you to come down to the police station. Rylyn has been taken." I could barely hear the other voice but I could tell it was Kinton.

  "Okay and call Mom. Tell her..... No don't tell Chase. I wouldn't want to scare him." Kinton met us at the station and I retold what happened to him, then to the police.

    "And what is this guys name?" Asked on of the officers.

   "His name is Lucas Carr. He has blond hair and green eye's. He also has some freckles on his noes and cheeks."    

    After we answered all of their question's, they told us that the best thing to do would be to go home and get some rest. I called my mother and told her what happened she insisted on coming and getting me from the station so Skylar drove my car back to her house.

   "I am so sorry I wasn't home. If I was then maybe I could have stopped him." My mother kept blaming her self.

   "Mom you couldn't do anything even if you were there. No one could have stopped him." 

  Once we got home, my mom went straight to her room to cry some more and I went to mine. I walked around the crib, running my fingers over all of her toys. I noticed that Lucas hadn't bothered to take anything from my room and I was grateful for that. Rylyn's favorite stuffed animal still layed in her crib. I picked it up and hugged it to my chest. It was a purple elephant.

   There was a knock on the door. I ran down the stairs hoping that this was all a dream.

  My mom beat me to it. Ryder stood in the door way, crying. I froze in my spot and looked around the corner.

  "Yes? Aren't you Aaralyn's teacher? Mr. Jackson?" My mom asked.

  "Yes I am. But that's not why I am here. I need to speak with you and your daughter." I took this time to step out from my hiding spot and Ryder noticed me.

   "Mom let him in." Ryder and I shared a brief conversation through our eyes and I knew that it was time that my mother knew who Ryder really was.

   "Honey, why is your teacher crying?" She whispered into my ear as we took a seat on the couch.

  I sat next to Ryder, my mother sat across from us.

  "Mom, Ryder is Rylyn's father. We were seeing each other before school started and when it did we realized he was my teacher. By that point I was already pregnant but I didn't tell him. We broke up because of the fact that we could get in trouble but after Rylyn was born we got back together. Our daughter needed both of her parents." I said.

  "I know this must be a shock for you just now hearing about me, but I do truly love your daughter and Rylyn. I have bought a house and was hoping that after graduation Aara and Rylyn would move in with me. It's only about ten minutes from here and it's in a great neighborhood."

  "Mom, I love Ryder and he loves Rylyn. Every one that was at the police station loves her too. Kinton, his brother loves her. He even has a son of his own and Chase is the best cousin that Rylyn could ever have."

  "I am pretty sure she will have more of cousin's and siblings in the future though." I gave Ryder a stern look that clearly said 'you aren't making this any easier' and he shut up.

   "Ryder's mom just adore's her and I am sure that you both would get along very well. My point is, don't think of him as my teacher, because he is way more than that and even before he was my teacher." I finished my speech and waited for her to say something.

   "I.... I'm not mad that he's your teacher, I'm mad because you didn't tell me. But if your going to be my son-in-law, I guess I will have to get used to you." The edges of her mouth turned up in a smile.

  "What is up with the wedding talk!" I grumbled out. As much as I was happy that my mother approved of Ryder but my baby girl was still out with that stalker and I wanted her back.

   As though God had read my mind my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number. I looked up at Ryder with hope in my eye's. His were the same.

   "Record it." He said.

  I hit the answer button and then record and putt it up to my ear. "Hello?"

  "How do you make her stop!" I heard Lucas yell out. You could hear Rylyn crying in the back ground.

   "Where are you guys?" I asked.

  "I am not telling you that you will come and take my daughter away. Just tell me how to make her shut up!"

   "Tell me where you are and I can tell you what places are around there that you can get some formula and diapers from. She's probably hungry or she needs a diaper change." I told him.

   "I know this is a trick question and there is no way you are going to get me to tell you were we are." I looked at Ryder and told him to call the police.

    "I know that but she needs me. She needs her mother. And her father. We can be together if you tell me where you are." I just needed to know where he is.

   "I don't believe you are telling the truth." Are you kidding me?

   "I am. We can live together for the rest of our lives. Rylyn needs both her parents."

  "I still don't believe you. Maybe after a while I will but I don't right now."

  "But I am. I.. I love you." I stumbled out.

  "You pause so I know you arn't telling the truth."

  "Okay. I wasn't then. I do care about you though, I just don't love you yet. But I will, I know I will. So tell me where you are and we can be together, with our daughter." I was such a good actor.

   "Maybe in a couple of day's. For right now I want you to thank about how happy we will be together when you come to live with us. I will call you if I have any other questions." He hung up and I screamed.

   "Did they get it?" I asked Ryder. He nodded.

   "They taped into your phone call and found out where he was calling from. It's only thirty minutes away. They are on there way there now."

   I smiled. I'm gonna get my baby girl back.


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